Veronica and Hunter

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"Don't you ever get sick of the way you act?" Hunter asked his best friend Veronica.

"Hm? What do you mean? I don't seduce the fools who come on to me. THEY come sniffing around me not the other way around." Vero looked at Hunter in boredom.

"Yeah... I mean I get it, they will stray from their happy lives if it comes to their dicks, but like don't you feel ANY guilt?" He looked at her and wondered what went through her head at times like this.

"Honestly? No, I don't. I couldn't give two shits if they got caught with me in bed with them. Hell I'd probably clap when their wives or partners went 'I want a divorce and I'm taking half your money with me'"

Wide eyed he stared at her in disbelief. He couldn't see the girl he knew before she turned into this viper. He had loved that version of her because of the way she would always smile and giggle at the weirdest things. Where had that girl gone? She wasn't completely gone though because at rare times that beautiful, sunny, and innocent girl would pop up from time to time and quickly disappear again.

"What? Why are you looking at me that way? Hunter you know I don't do innocents I do a very good check into their social media accounts, because hello I'm not going to fall in love with a moron with a wife and three kids. Darling you know if I didn't have a lack of faith in all humanity I'd look for love."

"Can you even love?"

Snorting Vero rolled her eyes, "Yes I know how to fall in love Huntie. Been in love before."

She sneered at the memory of that jackass who had ruined her views and taken everything she had held close to her. Her precious, beautiful, INNOCENT daughter was ripped out of her hands by the court of men and all their pathetic lack of morals.

"And what happened to that love?" He looked at her face filled with malice.

"It is unfortunate he's not burning in hell right now. He's breathing as we speak. How do I know? His wife and I hook up behind his back"

"I'm sorry...what now? You swing both ways? How come I didn't know that?" Hunter basically swallowed his tongue by the end.

Laughing at him and his reaction of her sexuality ticked her pretty. Appearances weren't everything to be judged by.

Humming by the end of her laughter she simply replied, "Yuppers. I hit both teams and they hit me right back. Don't be so quick to judge another by how they look Huntie it's rude you know."

Licking his lips, he nodded like a bobble doll and remained quiet for once.

Taking pity on him she continued on, "It started after that bastard took my child. She was still a baby at the time. She was beautiful Hunter you should've seen her. Quiet as she could be, just looking at the world with a sweet view while trying to chew off her foot. What's with babies and their feet anyways?"

Whispering softly he finally spoke. "I didn't know you had a child Vero. Where is she right now by the way?"

Smiling sadly, she looked down at her worn out the nightmare before Christmas sweater,and started bunching it up not speaking for a minute. It hurt her to think, of her sweet Moria Bella,she was still with her in a way but it wasn't the way she wanted.

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