Sean Macguire x Male Reader

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*this is set a couple of years before the Blackwater job*

You have been in the Van Der Linde gang for a while now and you enjoyed it, but the one thing that always annoyed you and put you in the worst moods was the one and only Sean Macguire.

You and Sean have never gotten along, the first time you met was when Dutch and Hosea brought him back to camp after he just tried to rob and kill them, you instantly had a dislike for him and he felt the same way about you.
Maybe it was because you were complete opposites, Sean is loud and obnoxious where as you are more quiet and calm.

It seems that everyday you two get into an argument over something stupid and quite frankly the gang, especially Dutch were sick of it.
Although you argued things had never gotten physical before but today when you were both slightly drunk things got heated pretty quickly.

"You're a stuck up bastard (M/N)!" Sean shouted.
"Says you, you arrogant son of a bitch!" You shouted back equally as loud.
You can't even remember what started this whole ordeal but suddenly Sean was trying to punch you.
You fought back when suddenly you both tripped over Pearson's stew pot, knocking it over, spilling the food onto the ground.
Everyone in camp was furious except Arthur's dog Copper who happily cleaned the mess up.

"Right that's it!" Dutch angrily stomped over, making everyone quiet down.
"You two are going to go camping together and you're not coming back until you've learned how to get along with each other and behave!" Dutch glared at you both, making you feel like children.
"I'm not going anywhere with that bastard." Sean scoffed, you were about to insult him back but Dutch cut you off.
"Enough! Get your bags packed because in the morning you're leaving."

Sean stomped over to his tent without saying anything but you could tell he was pissed off and this was not gonna be a fun time.


In the morning Miss Grimshaw woke you and Sean up at 6am, a time both of you were unhappy with, at least that's one thing you can agree on.
"Come on you heard Dutch yesterday you need to get ready." Miss Grimshaw ushers you both to the horses.
"Alright alright Jesus...." Sean grumbled tiredly.
Dutch appeared from his tent.
"Right you two you're going to stay in a cabin in Tall Trees near Aurora Basin so we know where you are." Dutch explained.
"And try not to kill each other." He chuckled watching you both slowly walk out of camp sulking.

The journey to the cabin was quite a ride so you two didn't even attempt to talk to each other the whole way there.
When you arrived you both hitched your horses and took the bedrolls off of them, still not talking.
The air was tense as you walked in, the cabin is tiny, you huffed sitting down on your bedroll.

"Can't believe I'm stuck here with you." Sean mumbled.
"Actually I'm stuck with you." You grumbled facing away from him.
"I think it's better if we don't speak." You said laying down, trying to get to sleep.
Sean just scoffed and went to the other side of the room.


You awoke to the sound of gunshots outside, confused and slightly startled, looking around you noticed Sean wasn't inside so you looked through the window.
Sean was trying to hunt a deer and failing miserably.
Laughing you went outside.
"Nice hunting." You said sarcastically.
"Shut up (Y/N) at least I'm trying to get us some food not like you, you lazy bastard." Sean sneered obviously embarrassed.
"Can't you take a joke?" You laughed.
"I can take a joke you're just not funny."
You both continued to argue not noticing the bear behind the cabin.
You heard a growl and then suddenly Sean was pushed to the ground with a bear on top of him, in panic you grabbed your gun shooting at the bear. Sean was trying to stab the bear that was clawing at his stomach.
When you managed to kill the bear you pulled it straight off of Sean.
"Christ! Are you ok?" You asked helping him up.
"Does it look like it." He groaned.
"Quick get inside." You said shakily still panicking, even though you didn't particularly like Sean doesn't mean you want to see him be killed.

You laid him on the floor lifting his bloodied shirt to assess the damage. Luckily the wound wasn't too deep.
"You're lucky Sean, it doesn't look too bad." You said trying to stop the bleeding with one of your shirts.
"It feels bad." He groaned.
"You'll be alright" you tried your best to clean the wound and stitch it up, Sean was screaming and groaning, gripping your arm the whole time.
After awhile the wound was stitched and cleaned, you gave Sean some whiskey to ease the pain.
"Id never thought I'd say this but thanks (M/N)" Sean mumbled.
"You're welcome Sean." You smiled.
"This might not be the right time to say this but I've always liked you (M/N)." He said sheepishly.
"Really? Well I guess I've always liked you too."
You both laughed.
"I guess we've both been wasting our time hating each other." Sean said sitting up grabbing your hand.
You leaned forward kissing him softly, Sean kissed back running his fingers through your hair.
"At least one of Dutch's plans actually worked."
Sean giggled kissing you again.
"Let's stay here for a while." Sean said in between kisses.

Red Dead Redemption 2 x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now