Chapter 14

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TW/sexual assault from here on in.

Peter's POV

Papers and black jacket flurried the public-sector halls of the compound. Just minutes ago, the entire compound was put on lockdown; no ones allowed in, no ones allowed out. These are the situations I hate the most, you never know whether it's is a fault or this is the real deal.

To make this particular situation worse, Raul and I are both 'essential staff', meaning our skills and attendance are required from the first siren to the last siren. And Taura, my girlfriend, is left on her own in an apartment with no lock and is about stoned as the factionless on medication. I just need to know she's safe.

"Peter!" I hear Raul's voice from behind me and I turned around to see him pacing towards me with several folders in his hand.

"Raul, what's going on? Is this a fault or what?" I ask. Raul being one of the key operators in the sector, he receives all information before me.

"I wish I could say that." He says solemnly.

"What do you mean?"

"This is the real deal, Peter. Security is down so now the entire compound is a walk-in closet." He tells me firmly. Fuck. Security is down. There's no cameras. No volt locks. The garage is like a museum for bombs. And Taura is alone.

"What about Taura, she's safe right?" I ask, probably hyperventilating a little too much.

"She's in your apartment, she can barely walk so there's not much chance of her leaving." He pauses,

"If your pausing for affect I would keep it moving."

"Look I know your worried about her, so am I. But in order to keep her safe we have to keep the compound safe. You've been her long enough to know this." He says. "Now let's get to it." He pats me on the shoulder before heading into the conference room filled with staff, fire arms officers and... Eric and Sam. Two of my 'Moriarty suspects'.

"Alright everybody listen up!" Raul's voice boomed, silencing the commotion. "As you may have already gathered, this is not a false alarm. It appears our entire security systems has been cut off which makes our job a heck of a lot harder than it already was." A few mutters rise in the room, probably discussing the possibilities. I spot Sam stood in the corner, he says nothing and just stares at his watch as if he's counting down until something. He wears his usual smug smile that spreads into the apples of his cheeks. I have no doubt that he plays some part in this. Eric, however, sits at the end of the conference table, his leg bobbing rapidly up and down and his pen tapping against a stack of paper. Again, I have no doubt that has some role in this.

"However, we will control this situation in the same efficient way we always have. Right know the Erudite are working on getting our security back online but until then we are going to have to go by hand." A secretary hands Sam a folder, just like everyone else in his area, I presume it's a run down on protocol. He swiftly looks over it and then follows the secretary out the room cautiously. I assume he doesn't want anyone to notice him leave, but I do.

"I want my firearms to swarm the building and cordon off any open doors. Any suspicious people, you shoot, I don't care if their innocent. The rest, I want you to be on the receiving end for emergency calls or whatever." I'm the rest. "Right, lets shut this down." Raul states firmly and everyone filters out the room, including me.

"Peter." I hear Raul's voice as I get to the door, I turn around and I see Eric slumped in a chair looking rather disgruntled and Raul leant against a wall.

"Shut the door." Eric growls lowly. This doesn't sound good.

"What's this about?" I ask, crinkling my brows together.

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