Chapter 1

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"And this is the Pit. The centre of life here in Dauntless." Four spoke proudly of his faction to Taura, a small smile playing on the corners of his mouth as he watched the girl stare in awe at the bustling crowds of black jackets below her. "You like what you see?"

"yeah." She nods in approval as she looked back at him, Green eyes met with blue ones for a brief second before Four turned his eyes back to the ground drifting below him, a frown replacing the smile on his face.

"Come on. There's someone you need to meet." He groaned, rubbing a hand over his face before guiding Taura down the metal stair case, which were slightly damp from the spray of the chasm. The corridors ahead thinned until they were only 2 bodies wide. Small oil lamps casted some dim orange flecks of light on the cavern walls, but only enough to make out the twists and turns in the rocky path. "Now in order for you to stay undetected, you have to blend in, and the only way to do that is to put you through the same training program we put regular initiates through."

"Seems simple enough." Taura said with a lopsided smirk as Four stopped in front of a large black door. It was completely plain, apart from a gold plated sign, exaggerating the person on the other side of the doors name and status;

Coulter, Leadership

"Coulter?" Taura said, "who calls their child Coulter?"

"Surname." Four corrected her, knowing that if she called them that than she will be living as a street rat in 0.000000000001 seconds.

"Oh, that makes sense." She shrugged.

"Just, try not to say anything." He said, before pushing the door open, letting it creek along the stoned floor. "He Er-"

"Who said you could come in?" A tall, muscular man responded curtly, whipping his head around to face the pair. Taura opened her mouth to say something, but was shot a warning glance from her green eyed friend to keep her mouth shut.

"It's important."

"You would of told me by now if it was important."


"I don't care."

"I think you should."

"Well I don't."

"Taura, meet Eric." Four pushed Taura through the door way abruptly, causing her to stumble slightly.

"Hey what was that for?!" Taura exclaimed, throwing her arms to the side."

"I said keep your mouth shut, zippy." Four said looking pointedly at her.

From the corner of her eye, she could see Eric observing her, like she was a lab rat for his experiment. Looking her up and down, from her combat boots to the few strands of raven hair that stood up from the others, making her feel like an open book. She didn't like it.

"Got a problem, Coulter?" She snapped. Emerald eyes darkened as she sent Eric a hard glare. His jaw clenched, and his eyes darkened along with hers. He searched her face, analysing her, looking for her intentions.

She did the same.

When Eric didn't find anything, his ice blue eyes wandered over to Four, who was obsessively running his hands over his face.

"What's that?" He chuckled, without a smile, pointing his hand at Taura.

"It's rude to point..." She murmured.

"Taura, you say another word and I swear I will tape your mouth shut." Four growled, gritting his teeth, "She is Taura, the private initiate I told you about."

"Exactly, you said she's a tough cookie. She looks like something you brought straight out of Factionless."

Lies. Despite the lack of height, Taura was physically very well built compared to other women her age. But the lack of flesh that she exposed didn't back up that statement

"Oh gee, thanks for the compliment."

"I didn't tell you to speak." His harsh words rolled out of his mouth so easily and calmly, as if it was second nature.

"No you didn't."

"I'm your leader. You speak when I tell you to speak and you shut up when I tell you to shut up. Orders are not optional." Eric scolded meeting her stern glare with one of his own. One that usually sends initiates shaking, but this time, things were a little different.

"Well aren't you a hard nut." She snickered, enjoying pushing his buttons way too much to stop. Secretly, she was assessing him and every small action or movement he made; from where his hands were to how he was standing. Psycho- analysing, if you must.

"You better watch that mouth of yours, Taura." He let her name linger on his tongue.

slowed speech; focusing in on the details of my response. Very Erudite qualities. Great, he's a nose. Taura analysed.

"Training starts tomorrow. Be in the training ring for 6am. I don't take too kindly to people who are late."

Punctual; a realistic thinker. sees and hears what he expects to see and hear. I hope he never takes a hallucinogenic. Wait, maybe I do. That'll be fun.

"Get her out of my sight, Jackass!" Eric snarled, turning to Four and shoeing them away.

Comfortable use of crude language; disrespect for Four. 'Low Class' and 'common' background. how interesting.

Four roughly slammed the door behind them and gave Taura a displeased glare, lightly shaking his head at her.

" Your an idiot, you know that right." Four said as he began to walk ahead of her, guiding her through the twisted maze of poorly lit corridors.

" I was Amity, do you expect any different?"

Four just sighed.

"You and Eric seemed a little tense with each other. Any reason?" Taura changed the topic, bored by her friends constant scolding.

" We didn't get off to the best of starts. Not that I wanted to anyway." Four groaned, stopping in his tracks and leaning against a rock wall next to a pair of rusted doors.

"Why?" She stopped in front of him.

"Everyone is scared of him. He's a bully, a torturer. I would watch your back around Eric, he's unpredictable. You never know what his next move will be."

Trust me. I do.

"Are you not scared of him?"

"Should I be?" She asked quickly, grinning slightly. He grinned back, looking down at her and beginning to laugh lightly

" You're an idiot, you know that right." Standing up right, he stepped towards the doors and pressed a palm to it

"Yep. If you like I can shrink his ego down a bit for you?" Taura said.

"You have a death wish!"

Maybe you're right.



Hey guys! I know this is probably a little crappy but this is the my first attempt at something like this. Updates will probably be irregular as I'm heading towards exam season, and obviously that takes priority. :/

Hope you guys enjoyed! :)

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