Sweet Abby

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POV: Gabe

I was born with the name Gabe because when I was born, my mom used to tell me she saw an angel in her arms. She told me I wasn't supposed to live after something happened to me, but by the grace of God I am still living today and as happy as can be.... Or at least I think so.

My new girlfriend, Abby, is one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. That long, flowy, auburn hair. Those beautiful eyes. That athletic body type is just beautiful too. She always dresses modest, and what I've learned from my favorite band is that hottest is modest.

My favorite band, Anthem Lights, has gotten me through tough times before. They weren't big problems, but they were ones when I questioned myself. The great thing about this band is that Abby loves them too, so I had a very special surprise on how to ask her to the upcoming dance... I am excited about this.

She always compliments on how built my body is, so I try to keep it that way by taking a conditioning class at school to keep it from getting "soft." I love it when she gives me a sweet look in the hallway and then sometimes gives me a quick kiss that makes the other guys jealous that I have her.

One day I saw her give one of her "best friends" one of those questionable looks that looks like she "hates her." Her friend was behind me, so I acted like she was looking at me.... Or was she actually looking at "me?"

"What was that Darling? Did I do something wrong?" I ask.

"No sweetie, I was just squinting to read her lips at what she was trying to say to me. You know how I can't see sometimes."

The only problem with what she said was that she had "perfect" 20/20 vision.... Something is going on and I have a bad feeling about this.

I pray to God to ask for direction.

"God please help me and tell me what I should be knowing right now."

Little did I know this was just the beginning.

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