Chapter LXX: Relief

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The ear-splitting sound roused me from near-death. My shallow breaths were whistling in and out of my lungs in high-pitched wheezes. I tried to swallow, and choked on blood instead.

"Gray," Dean, bloodied and pale, dragged himself across the floor in front of me. He reached out a hand and grabbed my jaw, tapping at my face to keep me alert. "Gray, stay with me. Stay with me, you're gonna be okay, just hold on."

"...Dean..." I tried to speak, but my voice was garbled and choked. My vision went fuzzy again, tinting the world pink. I struggled to keep my eyes on Dean as the ever-strengthening pull of sleep threatened to overwhelm me.

Dean shook his head. "Hey, don't try to speak. Keep your strength."

Behind him, Sam's head popped up over his shoulder. His face was the same amount of bruised it had been before. Relief flooded me. The demon hadn't touched him.

"Dean! Gray!" He cut off, face pale. His eyes widened in horror. "Oh, God. Gray..."

I knew it was bad then. I tried to lift my head to see the extent of the damage, but I couldn't manage it. Pain exploded in my abdomen, wrenching a cry from my lips.

"Don't move," Sam said, ripping off his flannel and handing it to Dean, who pressed it firmly to my stomach. The pain made me gasp. "Gray, just hold on, okay? Everything's gonna be alright! We'll get you out of here."

Dean turned and said something to him, but I didn't catch what it was. The world dimmed. My heartbeat was like a war drum in my ears, drowning everything else out. It beat slowly, like in slow motion. My eyelids were so heavy I couldn't keep them open. They drifted closed...

A sharp sting on my face pulled them open again. We weren't in the cabin anymore. The ceiling above me was black, broken only occasionally with quick strips of pale silver light. The familiar purr of the Impala vibrated under my fingertips. My head was in someone's lap. 

Dean was slouched against the door, blood still wet on his face. His clothes were wet against my face. His hand was still pressed against my cheek from when he'd smacked me awake. He didn't speak, but in the shafts of faint moonlight, his green eyes stared back at me.

"Gray!" Sam's voice called from the direction of the front seat. I tried to turn my head, to look for him, but I couldn't. "Gray, stay with us! Just stay alive, Gray, okay? We're almost to the hospital, just hold on a little bit longer."

"" I repeated, my voice faint. 

Sam kept talking, his voice reduced to a constant vibration in the air. I couldn't make out his words; couldn't figure out if he was talking to me anymore. But I could still see Dean. He was too weak to speak, but he kept his eyes on mine, forcing me to stay awake.

I groaned as I lifted a trembling hand, so disconnected with my body that I couldn't even tell how far I'd gotten before I gripped Dean's. His palm was calloused and rough against mine. I squeezed his hand as hard as I could. The sensation brightened my vision just a bit when he squeezed back.

"...don't...leave me..." I rasped. 

My brother shook his head. His lips moved, uttering words I couldn't hear. But I didn't need to hear him. I tried my best to take fulfilling breaths as my hand slipped from his. Dean's hand came back to my face, tapping rhythms against my skin to keep my awake. I didn't recognize the song he was playing, but he smelled of blood and sweat and metal. He was familiar, and warm; he was my Dean.

My brother. I loved him.

The blaring rock music from the radio was one of the last things I heard before a blinding white light crashed into us. The impact knocked me around, turning my already dimming vision into blur of varying shadows.

As the car was skidding, my heartbeat grew louder in my ears. 


I gasped for air that wasn't there, convulsing and choking on blood.


My head throbbed slammed against something hard and unforgiving. My vision went dark.


The last thing I heard was the rock music still playing sweet melodies on the radio.


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