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This book has reached it's end!

I can't believe it. It's been a long journey and I'm so happy that you've been with me through it all. We've reached 200 parts and unfortunately, that's the maximum number of parts one book can have here in Wattpad. I want to thank you all for reading, voting, and requesting. I'm sorry to those requests that I've missed. I'm finally out of college and the past years hasn't been easy, hence the lapses of updates. But the book is finally done!

What do you guys think we should do? Haha.

Btw, I may be a guitarist but I'm also a writer at heart. There's published book that I helped edit on a friend's account and I'd love love love it if you could check it out and share with your friends. It's called Cinderella, Cinderella🎶 and obviously it's inspired by the disney film. It's fast paced, in English (rest assured the grammar is good), and for plain guilty pleasure. It's a fairytale. Again, I'd appreciate it if you guys could check it out, and follow that account too! Link is down below

 Again, I'd appreciate it if you guys could check it out, and follow that account too! Link is down below

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I love you guys!!!

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