Chapter 12... in which the dragon gets a name and, no, it's NOT Scaley

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It wasn't quite as big as I'd thought it would be.

As far as other things went, it was exactly what I'd expected. Green. Scaly. Sharp spikes running down its back. Two horns on either side of its head, and one at the tip of its nose. A two-pronged tail tha whipped back and forth.

Still, it was unexpectedly...



I looked at the creature, my head tilted to one side. "It's cute. Wouldn't you agree?"

Van frowned. His head tilted to the side as well.

The dragon looked at us for a moment, large yellow eyes taking in Van and me as we stood there, heads cocked.

The dragon's head tilted to the side. It opened its mouth.

I bit my lip. "It's so cute!"


Van and I clapped our hands to our ears. Jester reared, and released a terrified-sounding neigh.

The dragon squeaked and scuttled away.

"Wait, no!" I looked at Van. He watched the dragon's tail disappear beneath a bush, openmouthed. "Stay here." Jester reared again, this time nearly tearing his reins from Van's grip. "And calm him down."

I raced after the dragon.

Branches whipped at my face, and bushes tore at my legs, as I chased the dragon's tail. Every time it disappeared behind a bush, I dove after it, pushing my legs to go faster. Faster.

I skidded to a stop.

"How," my breaths came out heavy and gasping, "does something..." gasp " you make..." gasp "...such a loud... noise?"

I crouched, and peered at the dragon. It squeaked again then scrabbled at a large tree trunk. When that didn't work, it spun, scales raised like a cat, and hisssssssed. A long, forked tongue lashed out. Smoke built up in the back of its mouth, like a storm cloud.

A small spark flew out. It winked out, and fell to the ground.

The dragon coughed twice. A ring of dark smoke flew from its nostrils.

I couldn't help coo that bubbled in my chest. I leaned forward, one hand extended out. "I've said it before and-shhhhhh, it's okay-and I'll say it-I've got you-" The hissing fizzled into silence. "-again."

The tiny, teapot sized creature grasped onto my magic-armour-wrapped forearm with all four claws. Its tiny tail lashed nervously, but the scales were lowering slowly to rest against its back once more. I took that as a good sign.

The dragon shuffled slightly as I brought my arm closer to me, but didn't scrabble away.

I grinned.

"You're so cute!"

* * * * * * *

I was still grinning when I finally pushed my way through the last bush, and found Van standing there, sword drawn, holding a much-calmer Jester securely with his left hand.

The dragon on my arm ruffled its scales and fluttered its wings.

"Sheath your sword," I told Van. "You're making it nervous."

"I'm making it nervous?" Van looked at me incredulously. "It's a dragon."

"Yeah, and?"

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