Dearest Participant

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Harry's P.O.V.

Louis, Freddie and I were sitting togeter on our cough and rewatched yesterdays episode of the Masked singer. Freddie fell asleep after the second duel and was thrilled  to see the other Charecters. He also announced The Dragon as his favourite and I told him that I feel the same way. Louis on the other hand wasn't that sure about it. He criticized his slightly shacky voice in the beginning or how he hated how his voice sounded and overall Louis just seemed so frustrated.

"Who is your favourite Boo?" I asked Louis and he thought for a few minutes befor he answered: "I think all of them have a fair chance at winning but I don't think that The Mouse, The Furball or The Alien will make it much further."

I thought about everything he said and I had to agree with him. Tese three cairtanly weren't the greatest and compared to the others wouldn't make it much further.

"Hey Freds, do you want to go to the park with your paps and I?" Louis then asked Freddie and the young boy cheered and pulled his dad up the stairs. I just chuckeled and went inside the kitchen to prepare some snacks that we later could eat in the park. Ich made three sandwiches and also choped some vegetables and fruits and put them into luchboxes. Then I squeezed some Lemons and made bitter-sweet lemonade that I knew all of us loved. I smiled to myself as I looked forward to the afternoon we are about to spent with each other.

Louis' P.O.V.

Freddie had pulled me upstairs and we were now inside his slightly messy room and looked through his closet. "Dad?" Freddies voice rang through the silence. "What is it my little Droplet?" I looked at my son and smiled softly. He looked exactly like me excapt for his light blond hair and the dimpul in his cheek. "Why didn't you tell me that you're the Dragon?" Freddie asked me, his inocent eyes big. A short rush of panic ran through my veins back I calmed down quickly. "How do you know it is me?" I wispered. "I know your voice remember? You always sing me to sleep." "Do you like me singing?" I then asked him. "Yeah Daddy! You are the best! I want you to win! But do't worry. I won't tell Paps. Promise!" Freddie said and hugged me tightly. I burried my face in his back as Freddie cuddled himself all over my body. 

"I love you Freddie, so much." I wispered and stocke his hair. "I love you too Daddy! And I am so proud of you!" 

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