Chapter 2

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Nima took a step away from him and looked at the ground.
"I thought the Sith died or something like that," she said. "Or that they were something parents tell their children to get them to behave."
"Evidently, we did not die."

"So, what do the Sith want from Nal Hutta?" she asked quietly, almost worried what the answer would be.
"Nothing you need to concern yourself with," said Maul. Nima was thankful he didn't lash out at her for asking questions. Somehow, standing a few metres away from an apparently dangerous Sith was better than being a slave.
"Are you going to hurt me or something? I'm just a slave dancer."
"Former slave dancer," corrected Maul. "Who managed to escape the Hutts. And as long as you don't reveal or attack me, I see no reason to harm you.

Anxiously, she looked back up at him and noticed he was boarding the ship via a ramp at the side. She smiled to herself as she trailed behind him, glancing over her shoulder every so often as paranoia was still ingrained in her mind. There was still a chance that a bounty hunter could find her. As she tried to push her paranoia away from the forefront of her mind, Nima stepped off the ramp and into the ship properly.

"Where are you going to take me?" she asked, hoping he would answer and hoping it wasn't anywhere where there were slaves. But she received none. Maybe he was a bounty hunter, not a Sith. "Is this your ship?"
"Yes, it's my personal ship," he replied.
"I don't think I've seen a ship like this before," she said. It gave her memories of being taken aboard ships to dance for the Hutts and other repulsive creatures in league with them; memories she would prefer to forget. "Did you buy it like this?"

"Do you enjoy irritating people with questions?" he snapped. His yellow eyes stared at her and she gulped.
"Not usually."
"Then do you just enjoy irritating me?" he growled. Subtly shuffling away, Nima looked down.
"I was never allowed to ask questions," she told him. "Can you forgive me? Please? I don't mean to be irritating."

Maul glanced at her, his eyes shifted from her face to the brown collar around her neck then to the skimpy outfit that clung to her body and revealed as much of her blue skin as possible. He looked away and focused on the ship's navigation system instead.

The ship rumbled as it began to take off. Nima rushed to the nearest viewport and stared out. With a smile on her face, she watched as the swampy land of Nal Hutta grew tiny. The palace in the distance looked like it could fit between her thumb and finger; she didn't realise how far away she had run. As she stood by the viewport, a fluttery feeling made itself known.

A while later, she saw the entire planet. Maul must have put the ship on autopilot mode as he walked over and watched her, intrigued by her reaction. She glanced at him but then looked back at the planet she detested.
"I never want to look at that planet again," she said. Her voice was quiet but filled with hatred.
"You don't have to, you are free," said Maul. Biting her lip, Nima could finally name the sensation she felt.


"I'm not a slave anymore," she said with a smile. She laughed a little as she realised. "I'm not a slave. This is... oh, this feels weird. I don't remember being free. This is... overwhelming, actually. I might pass out." Using her hand to prop herself against the wall, she stared at the vast darkness of space. Part of her was still scared that he was a bounty hunter, not a Sith, despite Sith being

After a few minutes, she anxiously turned to Maul.
"I know you don't like me asking questions," she started. "But please, could you cut off this collar? I've seen the guards do it."
"With what?" he asked. Nima patted her sides until she found a small knife. It had moved since she had tried to hide it.
"I stole it from a guard when I escaped. They can cut through it, I've seen them do it before," she said as she held it out to him.

Maul took it from her and stepped closer. He said nothing while he carefully slid the knife under the collar. Nima kept as still as possible so he didn't cut her and watched his arm move as Maul pulled the tiny blade towards him. The material ripped and dropped down, resting on her shoulders. Nima took the knife from him as she grabbed the collar with her other hand.
"Thank you," she said while looking down at the useless collar. Trembling slightly, she turned away from the viewport and sat down, clutching the collar in her hand and the knife in the other.

"Are you injured?" Maul asked, she had been standing up and she said she might pass out. He didn't want to deal with an injured Twi'lek.
"No, no. I'm fine." she said quickly as she dropped the collar and put the knife away. It fell on the floor and she kicked it away. The red-skinned Sith walked over and stood beside the chair, observing her reaction. She looked up at him, still smiling. "Thank you."
"For what?"

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