End of the World Pt.1

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End of the world... The coming of Jesus.


It was around maybe 2:00pm, sunny weather, clouds nowhere to be found in the bright blue sky. I was in the company of my friend and I think of my mom and family members somewhere inside the house.  My friend and I were outside in the back porch looking at the sky because something in the atmosphere felt off. Something wasn't quite right outside. We were talking when all of the sudden we saw lots of airplanes in the sky. We went inside and put the TV on to see what was happening on the news channel. Live videos were streaming. People were running around in panic, some had scar on their faces and some had lesions all over their bodies. We turned the TV off because it was too much to bear and went straight to my room. Not sure why, but we started playing a video game. Out of nowhere these tiny octopus -like creatures in grey skin started coming out of every orifice of the room. Everything that the creatures touched turned to dust. My friend and I ran out of the room.

Once outside the room we were safe. We locked the door behind us and I felt like I didn't have to worry anymore about those creatures.  My friend started asking about what those were and I just said, "We don't have to worry about those anymore, they won't come out of there." I wasn't quite sure why I said that but I just felt peace in my heart. I also started saying that this was the end of the world and the coming of Jesus.  I told my friend to give his life to Jesus because it was going to be so much worse if he didn't go to heaven with me. He just stayed quiet and didn't say anything else after that. So we went outside again and suddenly all of those airplanes we saw earlier were coming down at full speed. It felt as if the earth stopped moving and there was no air pressure to hold them up and they were all crashing. I called my mom and she came running outside, to where we were, in the back porch, because she felt it too.

My friend went out of the porch and stood there looking at the airplanes coming. I yelled for him to get back inside but he just ignored me, looking at the sky. I finally saw what he was looking at. One of the airplanes was coming directly towards my house. In my mind I started praying for God to protect us, for Him to not let that plane harm me or any of us in my household. The airplane finally crashed but it was crashing in slow motion right before my eyes. I started screaming at my friend to watch out because the airplane's wing was going to kill him. I saw how it took my friend down at full speed and left him unconscious on the floor and kept coming at my house. I prayed and stood right in front of it and believed that it was going to stop before it hurt any of us. So it did. It stopped right in front of me. I ran across the yard to where my friend was and started crying and asking God for my friend to not be dead. My friend was dead and I hoped for him to be in heaven. That he took those last moments to talk to God and ask him for forgiveness. While I was there crying, my mom was yelling for me to get back inside and to not worry. Once I got back inside, I asked my mom if this was really the end and she said, "I think this is." After that one plane crashed in my yard no others did. I knew that the Lord was keeping us safe and protecting us. I kept saying that in my mind and believed it wholeheartedly. But it didn't seem like other people's houses were doing the same.

My family and I put the TV back on, which somehow still worked, and saw how other places in the world were dealing with some kind of tragedy. Some had those same creatures I saw with my friend in my room, some had diseases, etc.  It was horrible. Everyone was suffering. Adults, children, animals.  We had to turn the TV off. So we went outside to the street and saw how other houses were on fire and some others were not.  Most of the people that were also outside were confused, angry, shocked, hurt, grieved.  As we kept walking down the street we heard it. Everyone else apparently also heard it. We looked around to see where the sound was coming from but saw nothing. It was a sound like I've never heard before. It was like an orchestra of trumpets with cymbals and at the same time a chorus. I instantly knew what I heard. The trumpets of the coming of Jesus. Immediately I was on the air. I was flying, as other people were too. I looked down and saw that a vast majority of the people I saw on the street were crying out to Him and to us begging for us to let them go with us. We were flying around the streets going up and leaving everything and everyone behind. As we were flying, maybe it was more like floating on a cloud, we were going through every street watching as the people and children, not babies, but more like they were between the ages of 7-16, were crying and screaming for their lives because those octopus-like creatures were everywhere. Everyone they touched turned to dust. But they didn't touch just anyone; it was like they were selecting the people. Some of us who were floating started crying out to Him and asking if He could spare their families and that it was unfair for them to be suffering like that. Instantly they fell down from the cloud we were on and He said that they would be the ones who stayed behind for the tribulation. That there was still people who needed who hear His word and people who would have a change of heart.  We kept going around and seeing all of them suffering and running for their lives.  When it was time to go up to paradise I saw all the other people who were dead, in their graves, come up in their bodies to the cloud.  The End.

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