Author's Note

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Yeah I'm gonna be annoying and put a lame author's note beforehand.

You're lucky I didn't start it off with Eminem like I've done on more than one occasion, be grateful.

But I am starting it off with **TRIGGER WARNING** this story deals with abuse and self harm.

Anyway the whole point of this author's note is to shout out and show some appreciation to Rensk3N

For real though, you don't even know how many times she had to talk me off the edge (she's actively still doing it, I might need to pay her at some point 🤣). This story almost didn't happen. It probably wouldn't have, had it not been for her. So everyone sing her praises. She had all ya'lls backs. And she's kept me from being completely over dramatic and doing something that may have been stupid, like deleting the whole damn story.

So hooray for Rensk3N she's amazing! 🎉🥳😘

Also while I'm here I'm gonna bitch for a moment about all the damn glitches I'm dealing with now that I finally updated my phone and Wattpad. This dark mode better be worth it.

Alright I'm shutting up, let's go start this story.

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