
1.9K 127 56

With Wattpad, as much as I wish that there was, there is no "one size fits all" approach. There is no secret trick to becoming famous and getting lots of reads, but there are many factors that when you put them all together, you are likely to succeed. 

Keep in mind that you need most, or ALL of these things in your book

1. Quality

Nobody will read your entire book if it isn't any good. But writing doesn't have to be a god-given talent. If you want to write, learn how to write. It isn't something that you just wake up and know how to do perfectly. It is a skill that needs to be taught and constantly improved.

Keep the spelling errors to a minimum.

2. A Good Cover

As long as your cover is decent looking, it shouldn't turn people away but you should aim higher. A great cover is a better chance at gaining more readers. Don't give people a reason to not even bother picking up your book.

3. Consistency

If you post five chapters to start, and then one year later you decide to update the next one, you will not succeed. You need to at least be consistent and communicate with your readers, but do not let them bully you. Set a schedule, and keep to it. You can post more than you intend to, but not less

4. Communication

Talk to your readers. You are trying to build a community within your audience, no matter how small. Each reader is important. Ask for feedback. Answer Questions. Reply to comments. 

5. Length

Aim for between 1000-2500 words for each chapter.

For reference:

the average novel is between 100,000 and 175,000 words.

the average romance novel is between 80,000 and 100,000 words

wattpad novels are typically between 50,000 and 80,000 words


Use as many tags for your story as possible, but they all have to apply. This is how you will find readers who want to read books like yours.

7. Announcements

Announce each chapter, this way, anybody who is following you is much more likely to see that you have updated.

8. Be Active

Be an active member of Wattpad. Read other books. Comment. Vote. Join the community. Make friends.


- promote your story on another person's profile/book without permission

- spam people with messages about your book

- leave unhelpful criticism on another person's book

9. Profile

Make your profile look nice. It's very easy. 

Profile & Cover Picture: Choose a theme. Match them.

Bio: Make it easy to read, make it easy to find you(social media)

10. Pictures

Include pictures in your chapters. Either at the top, or throughout. Most readers like to see what the author is imagining. 


If you want to have a cast, I suggest putting the names in the comments instead of littering each chapter with a picture of them

Include pictures of:

- houses

- cars

- outfits

- pets

𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 & 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐩𝐚𝐝Where stories live. Discover now