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Someone for me.


Words, they couldn't say in full how I felt, how my wolf felt, we had a mate, a beautiful, smart, funny, strong mate, I had waited for so long and now I finally had him, someone my heart chose before the goddess made it official, he was so breathtaking, Xavier was everything I wanted and more, he was perfect.

So in my happiest moment I howled to the wind just as the crescent moon shined above me, the wolves responded to my call as I ran straight to my mother's home, ofcourse she was the first person I had to tell, she was the one who had told me to stay strong and be sure that when the time was right I would find him, and I did in time, I had to tell her she was right, I had gotten someone perfect for me. Once I had gotten into the backyard of my old home so many memories came flashing before my eyes, how I cried when all my friends found mates, how my mother consoled me each time I just couldn't escape the mate this talks, I would come home and just be with my mother, I was her first child, I was also babied but she never made my sisters feel any less love from her.

Once shifted I picked up the shorts I had worn on my way to Xavier's house and when I was done, I barged into the home, I didn't care if people were asleep. "Mom, mother!" I yelled as I went straight for her bedroom upstairs, I unfortunately woke the other person in the house. "What, where is the fire uncle Marquee." Granger grumbled as he walked out of his bedroom, he lived with my mother so that he could be pampered plus even if he had a great paying job, he wasn't ready to live alone, Xavier was the one who actually convinced him to live with my mother until he was older and could live alone.

"The fire is in my soul." I replied as my mother opened her bedroom door, she didn't even look like she had been sleeping but she had been, I could tell by her eyes. "Oh mom I finally found him!" I cheered whilst picking her up and twirling her around, she all but laughed as I twirled her around. "Alright Marquee put me down before you break me." She reprimanded with a chuckle. "Who did you find that has you so happy?" She questioned. "His mate!" Granger answered for me and the woman gasped. "Honey, you found your mate, who is it?" She further questioned as a stupid grin was etched on my face.

"It's Xavier mom, he's my mate, the man of my dreams, I found out tonight, I always had a feeling but today my wolf all but screamed it in my head, it was the most amazing feeling mom, to find what I've been waiting for." I explained everything as tears now clouded my vision, my mother came closer and hugged, so I let it out, some happiness can't be expressed with joy but rather with an abundance of tears. "I finally found him mom." I stated happily as she rubbed my back. "See I told you, you just have to wait for the right one, and they will come." She mumbled wisely as we separated and the three of us headed downstairs to the kitchen.

"Granger sweetie put the kettle on, isn't Xavier that nice boy, he always confuses me if he's actually a man." She instructed with a chortle as my nephew put on the kettle."You and so many others granny." He replied making us all laugh. "He's so beautiful." I whispered as I looked outside and never to my mother, she would tease me. "So will you tell him your wolf heritage, do you have a plan at all?" Granger demanded and I nodded.

"I already asked him on a date, this Saturday, I want to take things slightly slow with him but I get the feeling that there is more to Xavier, something he is hesitant to tell me, tonight when I was with him, I could scent out two different scents on him one was hiding the other, when I got close and scented the hidden one thats how I knew he was my mate." I explained my concern and the two nodded in thought.

"I've always been suspicious of Xavier when it came to his scent, don't get me wrong I trust the man with my life but that man has secrets I think he fears to let out." Granger exclaimed but his words were my thoughts. "That's why I decided to take things slow and trust him to tell me in his own time." I replied and Granger along with my mother nodded, I knew it was the best thing to do, trust in him. "I raised you well, now you trust that boy and give him room to grow in your relationship, it will be difficult because he will be evasive, what I need you to do is just help him by not pushing, he'll come around easily." My mother asserted as she served us tea and blueberry pie, my favourite.

"Thanks mom, I will do that." I responded whilst shoving pie down my throat. "So do you think he's a wolf?" Granger questioned. "They never saw the white wolf leave pack territory." My nephew added making me think about how this night had gone about, the wolf was spotted by the lake, I felt so drawn to it then it ran away, but it was so fast to catch so we came up with another plan, I doubled back to the lake and found Xavier, no wolf was that fast if my mate was a wolf, the thoughts kept churning in my head, was it a possibility, I just had to wait on time to see.

"Even if your suspicions are correct, don't badger him with them, let him talk not you for him, you don't know his past or his reasons for being hidden, because when you drag someone out of hiding most likely bad things will happen because they had a plan and you just ruined it, plus isn't it better to hear it from the wolf's own mouth in trust, than when there is hurt." Ofcourse my mother was the wise voice of reason, she was right, calling out Xavier on baseless accusations wouldn't be a great start to a relationship, our kids were going to be beautiful little brats and I didn't want them to know that our relationship started with me pointing fingers at their dad, that's not a great love story.

"Thanks mom, for everything." I exclaimed happily with a stomach full of pie. "Anytime honey." She replied with a kiss on my cheek, Granger and I cleared out the kitchen as my mother went back to bed. "She's excited to meet him, and I'm so happy to be working with my other uncle." Granger cheered happily. "Don't spill the beans with your over excitement." I chided and he nodded furiously. "I won't I promise, but I'm so happy for you, you both deserve this." He finally stated making me smile.

"Thanks kiddo." I exclaimed as he placed a kiss on my cheek. "Goodnight uncle M." He mumbled before walking away. I was truly happy, even when doubt wanted to run rampant in my head, I choked it and threw it away, in my own time I would know all of my mate, but now in this moment I had to be what he deserved, and be the man he would want, so I would begin with trusting him, that was a good base for a relationship.

I left my mother's home in the middle of the night, just as I came back, the party at the pack house had now simmered down, I hoped they weren't having another one of those parties soon, I couldn't bare the many bodies in one room. Making way into my house I realized I also needed to give the place a homey feeling not the bachelor pad Cornell hung out in, but that was a task for another day,tonight I reveled in the joy of having a mate.



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