Chapter 16

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Percy POV

Annabeth was practically dragging me to the dungeons where we would have our Double Potions with Slytherins. She and Hermonie were running to class hoping not to be late, well Ron,Harry and I were lagging behind hoping we could waste a good five or ten minutes.

"So......... I heard about Snape and is he realy that bad?" I asked Ron and Harry. "Yes and I suggest you don't say anything or he will make you scrub the blackboards with a toothpick for two months for detention!" Harry said. "Strict dude. I had this math teacher, Mrs Dodds,. She made me do the same thing for detention when I was twelve. Except she turned out to be a monster who wanted to tear me to pieces." I say with  a smirk on my face.

"Blimey! I bet Snape would tear Harry and I to pieces if he could!" Ron says with a look of horror on his incredibly freckled face. We were chattering so much that we did not notice that we entered the dungeons and that is was silent except for our loud voices.

" 50 points taken from Gryffindor and detention for all three of you,", a hooked nose teacher with sallow skin and yellow skin. I am assuming he was the infamous Severus Snape. "Sit down" he said in a cold voice and we did. 

I heard laughter from the Slytherins and glared at them. Immediatly they stopped laughing and I smirked at them. Lupa had thought me how to make people fear me with one glare and it worked efficently every time.

Annabeth POV

Yes ladies and gentlemen,yes indeed, I do have the world's biggest idiot of a boyfriend. Ron, Harry and Percy were laughing and talking and I was motioning and whispering to them, telling them to shut up and sit down. Of course they did not see me and ended up getting detentions, losing poitnsfro Gryffindor, and were being laughed at by the Slytherins. However, Percy made the Slytherins shut up with his glare and I was satisfied. 

"Who knows which ingredients are needed to make a Wiggenweld Potion?" Snape asked in his cold voice to the class. 

Everyone except Hermonie had her hands down. She was bouncing up and down and was waving her hand in the air. I also knew the answer but I did not raise my hand. I knew Snape was the type of person who would not pick a person if their hand was in the air, rather a person who did not know the answer. So I sat there quietly and looked down hoping he would notice me cause I tried very hard not to be noticible. 

"Chase", he said my surname "what are the ingredients needed to make a Wiggenweld Potion?" 

Yes! Yes! I stood up. "The ingredients you need to make a Wiggenweld Potion are salamander's blood,  lionfish spines, flobberworm mucus, and honeywater," I said in a confident voice.

Hermonie looked at me at awe and so did everyone else and I had a 'I knew the answer and in your face' look at Snape. "Very well," he said and he was not sneering anymore.

"Wow!" Hermonie said. "You practically talked back to him but you didn't!  He could not punish you but I bet he is trying to find a way to do so!"

I smiled at her and turned back to look at Percy. He was smiling at me and were mouthing some words, which I knew were probably unpleasant, at Snape's back as Snape had his back turned writing something on the board.

Unfortunatly, Snape happened to turn around while Percy was in the middle of mouth swearing in Snape's direction. 

"Jackson, is there anything you had to say to me so badly you were mouthing it?" The Slytherins were laughing their heads off especially this pale,blond boy .

"No, I was just saying how boring a teacher you are." The words left his mouth immediatly and I gasped, so did everyone else. I bet no one in the eighteen years Snape has been in Hogwarts had directly cheeked him like Percy did. 

"Hmmm.... Snape said with an evil glint in his black cold eyes, " I guess we will have to make your detention not one tortorous day for you as I planned but make it every Saturday seven p.m. till the end of the month.

Well that was only four detentions. Not that much, and at least Percy would not miss Quidditch tryhouts because Hermonie told me they were in October and not September. But I bet Snape is going make them filled with torture. 

"Nice mate! Do you usually cheek teachers like this?" Ron said. " Even Fred and George would never cheek teachers like this!" 

"Not really. He was just getting on my nerves," Percy says with a cheeky grin and his sea-green eyes were filled with amusement.

I knew Percy had pride and he would never be humiliated easily even if it meant getting detention every Saturday for the month. 

Sigh! This will be an interesting day all right!

Hi guys! Sorry I did not update yesterday when I said I would. School work is taking all my time and it took a lot of time yesterday! My next update will be around seven tommorow

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2016 ⏰

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