King Igthorn (Gruffi x Gusto suggested)

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Season 6: King Igthorn part 1 and 2.

What if Gruffi and Gusto didn't escape the dungeon in time?


"Ah, there are my favorite prisoners!" Igthorn announced, as he approached the occupied dungeon cell.

"You won't get away with this, Igthorn!" Gruffi yelled. The brown gummi bear gripped the iron bars of the cell tightly as he glared up at the pompous human.

"But I just did. And now your secret is out," said the purple-clad man, as he stepped with a flourish to reveal his royal prisoners.

"King Gregor," Gruffi yelped, backing away from the bars. He bumped into Gusto, who grabbed his shoulders to balance him. They both stood in stunned silence as the cell door was opened, and the human king and princess were shoved inside with them.

"Enjoy your stay in the dungeon, Greg. I have a kingdom to run." Igthorn ascended the staircase, laughing obnoxiously the entire way.

"Gummi bears," Gregor finally said aloud, his gaze flickering between the two fully-clothed bears in amazement.

"What do we do now, Gruffamundo?" Gusto asked, turning his attention to his slightly shorter companion.

"I-I don't know," Gruffi admitted.

"I'm so sorry, Gruffi," Calla sobbed, rubbing her eyes.

Gruffi's expression softened, and he pulled away from Gusto to approach the princess. Taking her hand, he patted it gently. "No use crying over spilled gummy berry juice, Calla." He turned his attention to the king. "Can we trust you to keep our existence a secret, King Gregor?"

"A secret? But why?" Gregor asked, taking in the familiarity between his daughter and the gummi bears.

"The world just isn't ready for gummi bears to come out of hiding, your highness," explained the blue bear, stepping closer.

"Yeah. The more humans that know about us, the worse it will be..." Gruffi said, only to be interrupted by a loud voice outside the door.

"Egad! Gummi bears!" Sir Tuxford yelped, stumbling back against the knights behind him.

"That's just great," Gruffi groaned, rubbing his forehead to ward off an oncoming headache.

"Gruffi, I'm sorry. We didn't realize you were trapped down here, too." Cavin stepped to the front of the group, wringing his hands in front of him as he gazed around at the people and bears in the cell.

"It's fine, Cavin," sighed the brown bear, stepping up to the bars to glare at the knights. "You'd better keep your weapons where I can see them."

"Can you really grant wishes?" one of the knights asked.

"Or give pots of gold?"

Gusto couldn't help laughing aloud at the thought. "Hear that, Gruffamundo? They think we're genies and leprechauns. Oh man, I wish I had my sketchbook right now."

"We don't grant wishes, and we certainly don't have any use for gold. Unless Grammi wants to buy some new pots and pans," said Gruffi.

"Prisoners escaping!"

The knights turned to see two ogres stomping down the dungeon steps. "To arms, men!" yelled Sir Tuxford. In the skirmish, the ogres didn't notice Cavin snatching the keys, and unlocking the cell door.

"You're the best, Cavin," said Gusto, shaking the boy's hand.

"We need to get out of here," said the boy. He began to lead the king, princess, and gummi bears down the hallway, away from the knights and ogres.

"It seems that you and Cavin have been keeping secrets," the king chuckled, glancing down at his daughter.

"Yes, father, but we never intended to harm anyone," said Calla, casting a pleasant smile at the boy next to her.

"It's true, your majesty. The gummi bears are our friends, and they've helped the kingdom more times that I can count," insisted Cavin. Ahead of them, Gusto and Gruffi were now leading the way.

"They never did introduce themselves. Gruffamundo... was it?" the king asked, turning his attention to the gummi bears.

"Actually, it's Gruffi and Gusto. Gusto just likes to make up nicknames for people. Gruffi is loyal and protective, and Gusto is an artist," said Calvin, as they bounded up the far stairs after the gummi bears.

"Gruffi and Gusto. What curious names," King Gregor mused to himself. When this was all over, he would make sure those bears received the highest medal of honor for their service to the kingdom.


Note: Disney+ is bringing back some old memories. The first short wasn't very shippy, but Gruffi/Gusto are my Gummi Bear OTP, so I'll be focusing on them quite a bit.

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