chapter 1

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3rd person POV

Kenzie didn't know where to start. She didn't know how to start getting ready for her first day of public school. She didn't know how to prepare for seeing them, seeing all of them after the spending the entire summer trying to forget them.

It was currently 7 a.m. and she really had to start getting ready. She thought to herself, why in the world does school start early ugh. Maybe she should just continue getting homeschooled, maybe she could avoid seeing them forever. She was going to tell mommy Mel this, but as soon as she got into the kitchen, her mom's body language said it all. She was so excited to start a job of her own interest and move beyond caring for Maddie and Kenzie all the time.

Kenzie had to do this for her family. It's just high school stuff, I can get over it, she thought, trying to assure herself.

With her hopes up, she stared at her closet. After three brain racking minutes, she decided on a plain outfit. Black ripped jeans and a blue tank top with her converse. When she was all ready to go, her phone buzzed.


Heyy, i'm so exciteddd

                                                                                                                         Me too! Can't wait!!!

See you there, I'm glad you decided to come: )

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Yeahh, see ya.  

The entire car ride to school, Kenzie was in deep thought. She wanted to be excited for Annie. Annie was a new friend and Kenzie really needed some good ones right now. She was one of the things that had changed over the summer. So much had changed, maybe too much. She'd pushed away her previous best friends. All because of him. She'd changed her hair, the heartbreak typically led her to do so. Brunette to a blonde. She was no longer on tour with everyone. And everyone that mattered to her 3 months ago felt like a nobody now. Everyone except Emily. But she hadn't been in town for the past month.

No longer touring, and being a sophomore now, she had to get her studies straight. So that's what she thought. That's what she was going to focus on this year. No drama, no boys, no Johnny. It hurt too much for her to go running back into his arms. She could hear his voice, "Kenzie."

The way he said her name made her feel special. The look in his eyes every time he saw her. It made her day. But it didn't matter now.


She looked at her mom, coming back into the present. Mommy Mel was definitely stressed.

"Finally, we're here. Have an amazing first day, you two! Bye, now. I can't be late."

Kenzie and Maddie gave their mom a hug and got out of the car.

"Later, skater"

And just like that Maddie left Kenzie alone to figure out her way to homeroom. Looking at the school, Kenzie felt overwhelmed. But she shook her head and got over it. High school is going to be great. She tried optimism. If I can find the fucking homeroom.

Kenzie swung her bag to the front and took out her phone, she needed help. Her new friend's help.

"Hey Annie, I have no clue where- "

Then she saw him standing 5 steps away from her. She saw the emerald green eyes which made her fall in love in the first place.


"I-I... I'll call you back."

She was frozen. She'd thought of this moment for the past two and a half months. What was going to happen when they finally met? Would he avoid her for ghosting him the entire summer? Did he feel guilty? Would he be mad?

His eyes had a sparkle when he looked at her. His face lit up. He didn't seem like he was going to avoid her. He walked towards her and pulled her into a hug, as if nothing had happened, all the while she was still frozen.

His familiar scent brought back a million memories.

" Johnny, I-"

Being taller than her by about 3 inches, he bent down and whispered into her ear,

" I like the blonde."

(A/N) Hey guys this is my first story and I really hope people like it. I like this idea a lot and I hope it goes somewhere amazing. Don't forget to vote and comment!

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