Sibling Disputes

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I've had this pounding headache all day. All I wanted was to relax and stay home with the kids, but of course Steve insisted on a team meeting. The accords needed to be finalized, so we had to go over every single inch of it. It was killing me.

Everyone was here, including Pepper. This left Peter and Morgan upstairs. May died over a year ago, so we decided to adopt Peter. We already had Morgan, but I loved Peter like he was my son and he was a wonderful big brother. None of the other avengers knew about my kids yet, and I didn't plan on telling them.

"Tony, are you listening?" Pepper asked me

I looked around the conference room to see the whole team staring at me.

"Yes I'm listening. Please continue Cap" I told him

I wasn't listening. I practically wrote the accords so I already knew what they said. Being stuck in the room with them was boring, and I had other places to be.

"So every other week, I'm allowed to spend it with my family. Will I still have to wear the ankle monitor?" Clint asked me

"Yes. We will have someone transfer you back and forth to your house every other week. But for the first three months of probation, you must wear the ankle monitor. I know that sucks but it was the only way they would let you see your family" I explained to him, and he looked surprised

"I appreciate that"

Everyone went around and asked me more questions, which was good because that meant they were agreeing. The faster we could get this signed, the better.

"Of course the rest of you are still on probation here at the tower. Your rooms are still set up and everything is still the same. Friday will of course be watching you all, but as long as you follow the rules, everything should be fine" Pepper explains

"Thank you Tony. What about Bucky? He is still recovery in Wakanda"

"Well I understand that he was not himself when my parents were killed. So once he signs, he is welcome to come back to the tower"

"That's great Tony. We really appreciate everything you have done for us. I know we don't deserve it, but thank you"

"Of course. Hopefully we can all be a team once again. Now anything...." I started to tell him, but something cut me off

"Morgan give them back!" I heard Peter yell

I looked over at Pepper who just looked annoyed. Morgan has a habit of taking things that weren't hers. She was only 4 and she liked to think everything belonged to her.

"I want to play with them" Morgan whines

"What's going on?" Sam asked me looking out the window of the conference room

"Are there kids on the floor?" Nat asked me and I didn't bother answering

"I already told you no. Give them back or I'm going to web to the ceiling!" Peter yells and I can hear Morgan starting to cry

Of all the times to start arguing, they had to do this now? They were obviously out in the hallway probably on the way to the conference room to see us.

"I wanna play with them. Stop being a meanie!"

"Stop being a brat! You are not allowed to take my things!" Peter yells once again, and I can hear Morgan cry out

"I'm telling mommy and daddy!" Morgan yells and she immediately opens the conference room door

"Go ahead! And I'll just tell mom and dad that you went in my room without permission and stole them" Peter yells walking after her with his web shooters in tow

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