Chapter Eighteen

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Dear Peter,

Obviously, the existence of this letter proves I am alive back in England. Perhaps one day I will tell you the story of how I lived. It's been two weeks since I came back to England and I wanted to write to you sooner but I just didn't know what to say to you. I'm finally able to sort out my thoughts enough to write them down.

I hope you are enjoying your time as King. I don't know how much time will have passed when you finally return to England for this letter - if you ever do return - but know that I miss you all so much. And while a part of me wishes I could have spent more time with Edmund, Susan, and Lucy that last night, I don't regret the time I spent with you. I went to town and bought a journal that I hide under my mattress. In it, I'm writing about everything I can remember about Narnia. The people, the memories (good and bad), and the change we all experienced. While I would have preferred the ice not breaking on us by the waterfall, it has made me realize that it's impossible to avoid water for my entire life and am hoping to learn.

There are so many things I have to tell you and fortunately, most of them are good. The moment I returned home I ripped up my suicide letter to my mother and burned it. Then I rid the house of all the alcohol I could find. She was upset but she's better now. She's still empty and doesn't speak much, but she comes down for meals when I call her and we've been reading together in the sitting room. I contemplated telling her about Narnia but figured she might think I've gone crazy so I decided against it. I also never told her about my plan. It's in the past permanently and would do more harm than good at this point.

Also, my brother returned from war three days ago! I'm so happy Daniel is okay. Immediately I sent out a letter to my father to let him know but I don't think he has gotten it yet. As I told you during my last night in Narnia, Daniel lied on his enlistment form because he was too young. It seemed someone finally found out. Instead of reporting him, they told him to find his own way back home and re-enlist when he was old enough, which isn't for another six months, so I have at least six months to spend time with him.

There is one more piece of good news I have to share. Do you remember the necklace that Santa Claus gave me? Somehow, it came back to England with me. I don't know how and I don't need to know. But even better - it finally broke! I now have two rings. Oddly enough, one of them fits me perfectly. I still keep it hidden on the chain beneath my clothes so nobody will ask about it. In this envelope, you will find the other ring. It's for you. Hopefully, it at least fits your pinky finger, Mr. Sausage Fingers.

Santa Claus said that the second ring would go to someone who would always remind me that I would never be alone. But I think he got that wrong. After returning to England, I realized that only I could ever remind myself that I am not alone, but it is through other people that I realized this. Those people make me feel more at home and thus, not alone. And you, Peter Pevensie, are the best reminder of home - whether that is here in England or back in Narnia. When I first arrived in Narnia I felt empty and cold (and not because of the weather). But you and your siblings welcomed me into your small family and made me feel whole again. You made me realize I am not alone and for that, I will forever be thankful. Maybe one day I can thank you in person.

Yours truly,

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