Chapter 5 - Vicki's POV

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The streets were deserted and there were very few cars on the road as she walked. It wasn't surprising really, as most people would either have left for work or been in bed at this time on a Friday morning. The sun had risen by now and the street lights were slowly turning off. She continued to walk down the street; holding her phone tightly in her hand, in case Emma replied to her texts. Emma had always been the type who thought she could solve her problems on her own. She hadn't realised that she needed her friends in times like these. Vicki turned towards the gate which led into the field beside the Pandorica.

"Are you sure she'll be here?" Shannon asked dubiously.

"Yes, I'm sure. It's one of their favourite places."

"And if she's not here?"

"They will be."

The frost crunched beneath their feet as they entered the field and shut the gate behind them. It was cold and Shannon was shivering. They continued to trudge through the long grass while it soaked their trousers. They wouldn't be able to see if Emma and Cassie were here until they got to the top of the hill.

"I hope she's okay," Shannon said to break the silence.

Unlike Shannon, Vicki preferred silence; it helped keep her calm. That was why she was so good at knowing when someone was upset. Shannon on the other hand was a lively person, easy to talk to and fun to be around, but not particularly perceptive.

"I'll text her again," Shannon added, as she pulled out her phone.

Vicki waited for her to finish texting, noting that for the fourth time, Shannon had neglected to acknowledge Cassie in her concerns for Emma. They carried on up the hill and that was when they heard the shout. It was Emma.


There was silence. Vicki paused and looked at Shannon. Then they ran. They reached the top of the hill just as Emma shouted again, her voice filled with panic.


Vicki could just about see Emma in the distance, beside the Pandorica. She began to run towards her and Shannon followed. Then Emma bolted into the Pandorica. Vicki froze; she stood there silently as her brain focused itself.

"Why did she do that?" Shannon's tirade of panicked questions began and Vicki tuned her out.

Emma had run into the Pandorica shouting for Cassie, and everyone knew what happened to those who went in there.

"She knows what happens if you go in there!" Shannon continued, echoing Vicki's thoughts.

Shannon began to pace and Vicki kept coming back to the same conclusion: they had to follow her. Emma needed their help even if she refused to admit it.

"Vicki, what are we going to do?" Shannon's voice was full of desperation.

"We're going to go home, tell our parents and go after her," Vicki stated slowly.

She understood why everyone looked to her in stressful situations; it was because despite everything, she managed to stay calm and rational, not like the others. Emma had once referred to her as 'a rock in the middle of a storm'; a phrase her father had got from church one day. Meanwhile, the blonde waves of Shannon's hair were being whipped around her face by the wind. Her tearful, violet eyes were full of disbelief, fear and confusion.

"What?" she asked, as if Vicki had just suggested that they jump off a cliff.

"Emma's our friend. If you don't want to come then fine, I'll go on my own."

"No. Vicki, I'm coming with you." She paused. "Emma needs us; but what about Jake? Do you really think he's going to just sit at home while we go off to help Emma? And Mitch won't let you go alone, even though you'll end up taking care of him."

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