Chapter 1: The Unknown

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"You know tomorrow is a very serious day Elijah." I heard my father speak behind me.

"Yes sir I do. I have every intention of being careful and watchful sir." I reply and continue pack my suitcase. Yesterday I turned eighteen which means I pack today and leave tomorrow for a month to experience the outside world away from our community. I didn't really want to leave. Everything I know and everything I am comfortable with was here. What was so good about experiencing a world full of lies, hate, cheats, and sins. But if I was completely honest deep within myself I was excited.

When I was alone with thoughts of my own I do wonder what was beyond the community and the farm. What other people were like and what they experience. There was a whole other world out there and I don't know if I was ready to face it. I wouldn't be alone but there was only two other kids accompanying me and it was still nerve wracking.

"Remember that you need to rise two hours early in the morning to finish your chores before you leave." he says.

"Yes father. Anything need to be done before I go?" I ask him.

"Not that I can think of. I will let you know. Your sister is almost finished with supper. Go get the milk and set the table." he says and leaves my room.

I sigh and sit on my bed. I run my fingers through my hair and squeaze my eyes close. Everything has been tense since my mother passed. Father barely speaks and when he does it is only short words. My sister doesn't have a motherly figure and my little brother doesn't understand and is always asking where mother was; causing my father to spend endless hours in the barn or on the farm. It feels as though the weight of everything is on my shoulders weighing me down until I become one with the earth. I finish packing my small suitcase and go downstairs.

"I am going to get the milk Crissy. Then I will come set the table." I tell my sister.

"Yes Elijah." was all she said. Crissy was very close to mother. Only two years younger than me, I know she will make a fine wife and mother someday. She was quiet like me and can be very reserved around people, only speaking when spoken too.

In the barn I sat on the stool and began milking our cow.

"Hey girl. Here for the daily milk." I cooed at the cow. Father wouldn't allow us to have a pet so the family cow became mine. She was the only one who really liked me milking her and let me rub her snout. I finished milking her and went inside to begin setting the table.

"You will be leaving tomorrow?" Crissy asked me.

"Yes. At six. I have to be awake at four to do my chores before I leave. You will see me off?" I asked her.

"Of course. What kind of sister would that make me if I didn't?" she asked and smiled.

"A bad one." I say and grin.

Once the table was set I get matches from the drawer and light up the oil lamps.

"Will you get father while I get Noah ready?" I asked her. She nodded and went to get father. I went into the small bedroom in the front of the house to wake little Noah up.

"Hey little man. Time to wake up it is supper time." I say and rub his blonde curls. His eyes flutter open and stare up me. He smiles his toothy grin and wraps his small arms around my neck. I pick him up and carry him to the kitchen table to set him next to me.

"The boy can walk Elijah. You baby him to much." Father says from the table.

"I know he can walk sir but he his only four. I can't treat him like a man." I say to him.

"You can't treat him like an infant either." he says to me.

"Yes father." I say and bow my head down.

"Please. Let us pray." Crissy says and folds her hands together.

"Dear Heavenly Father please bless this family and this food. Please guide us to walk on the path of our Lord and not lead us into temptation. Amen." my father prays.

"Amen." we all say together. Dinner was silent as always and we ate and my sister did the dishes while I got little Noah ready for bed.

"I'll see you in the morning litttle man. Don't fall asleep during the day tomorrow and it won't seem to early for bed." I remind and kiss his forhead. He nods and rolls over on his belly to sleep. I kiss his head one more time and go up to my room.

I open my window for some moon light and pour water into my bowl. I splash some on my face and arms and sit on my window sill.

Tomorrow I will be leaving for a city I know nothing about and leaving behind everything I know.

Pssssssttttttt !!!!! First chapter !!! What do you think? I know the first chapter was kind of boring but hey you have to know the characters !!! Anywho its here and I am going to write it and yes !!!
Byyyyyeeeeee my twinks !!! :D
All that jazz :)

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