"Name's Ace."

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Amora's P.O.V

"If you want to enter Dauntless this is the way in." Dad continued. 

Yes, Dad I know. After all, I was raised here. Dummy. 

"And if you don't have the guts to jump," he carried on "Then you don't belong in Dauntless." 

"Is there water at the bottom or something?" asked an Erudite piping up. 

"I guess you'll find out." replied dad. 

"Or not." he finished. 

Cackling inside my head at the petrified expression of the poor boy I thought: 

"Hahaha. Poor boy. Ah, classic." I sighed to myself. 

"We just jumped. They want us to jump again?" Aspen muttered beside me. 

"Someone's gotta go first. Who's it going to be?" asked my dad. 

Nobody put their hand up. Everyone was just looking at each other. 


Sighing to myself at the incompetence of these cowards I piped up saying "Me." seeing as no one else was obviously going to go. 

Everyone just looked at me and cleared a path. Walking to the edge and standing on it I turned around and saw Cato standing next to Aspen with a grin on his face but Aspen had a scared expression on her face. 

"Today initiate." said Dad. 

Rolling my eyes I saluted to Cato and Aspen and back flipped off the building. As I fell I heard some gasps and small shrieks. When you jumped you felt everything: Wind whipping through your hair and giving you goosebumps, the adrenaline, vulnerability, but most of all: Freedom. But you felt this all at once. And that's what made it truly amazing. A couple of seconds later as predicted I landed on the net. A big grin covered my face. This was definitely my favorite thing to do. I had been doing it since I was 5. And I still loved it. Then someone pulled at the side of the net which made me roll to the edge and for me to be picked up and placed on the ground. The person at the net was Mason and Uncle Tobi.

"What's your name?" asked Uncle Tobias. 

"Ace" I answered without hesitation. 

I thought it represented me pretty well. Mason gave me a bit of a strange look. When I was younger I was nicknames 'Ace' because I was good at everything that I did. Rhys and Erin who were some of the kids that I grew up with were Dauntless borns like me. They both like each other but are so oblivious about it. Anyway back to Masons weird looks. He probably didn't remember anything. He could never remember his own nickname much less everyone else's. So I wasn't worried about him. Although judging by the weird look he knew it was familiar but couldn't figure out why. As for the adults they had no idea the language or nicknames even existed. So, for now, I was safe. 

"First Jumper! Ace!" yelled Mason. 

"Welcome to Dauntless." he muttered. 

It had been about 15 mins later and everyone was down. Pretty much everyone screamed. The funniest scream was a boy. Man could he scream. And like a girl too. Ha. 

"Alright everyone listen up! Dauntless born go with Lauren and transfers stay with me. Go." yelled Mason. 

As Cato walked past he squeezed my hand and muttered good luck. Once the DB's (Dauntless borns.) had left Uncle Four announced: 

"Most of the time I work in intelligence but during your training, I'll be your instructor. My name's Four. This is my son Mason." he said gesturing to Mason. 

"Four like the number?" scoffed Aspen who was a Candor. 

"Exactly like the number." he replied nodding his head slightly. 

"What happened, one through three were taken?" Aspen continued earning a few chuckles from the crowd. Uncle chuckled slightly too but I could tell he was peeved beyond the moon. 

"What's your name?" Mason asked. 


"Hmm. Well... Aspen." he started getting right up to her face and said in a deathly calm voice

"The first lesson you learn from us: If you want to survive here keep your mouth shut. Trash talk helps nobody. Understand?" he finished.

 Ah, Mason. Always a peacekeeper.

Softly she replied "Yes." 

"Good. Follow me." piped up Uncle Tobias. 

We started making our way downstairs and through hallways and instantly I knew where we were going. The Pit. Eventually, we did actually reach the Pit. It looked the same. Lots of people, chatter and cheering. 

"This is the Pit. Center of life here at Dauntless." said Mason. 

Once we had all seen it and taken it in we started to make out way down some more corridors. Again I knew where we were headed. To the dorms. Once we arrived Uncle Tobi announced,

"You're going to be sleeping here for the next 10 weeks." 

"Girls or boys?" piped up some random. 

"Both" replied Mason. 

I could hear some mutters of happiness from them. Note the sarcasm. I just rolled my eyes. I noticed that Mason did too. 

"If you like this you're gonna love the bathroom." said Uncle Tobi.

So we followed him to the bathroom. Sheesh. The private bathroom in Dad's apartment was something I was gonna miss. There were no doors or walls separating the toilets which left everything exposed. I didn't really mind though. I was Dauntless. So I was used to people seeing my body. 

"You should feel right at home Candor. Everything out in the open." muttered Mason referring to Aspen. 

"Get changed!" yelled Mason and Uncle Four in sync walking out the door. 

After we had all looked around the dorm we started getting changed. Although I had a shower beforehand. I was sweaty and grimy. And disgusting. I got a lot of catcalls and wolf whistles for it but it wasn't anything I wasn't used to. And boy, did a shower feel good. After I had gotten dressed and burnt my old clothes we all went to the cafeteria for some food. Everyone was already seated. There were only 2 available seats. One for me and one for Aspen. One next to Cato and one next to Mason. Sighing slightly to myself I grabbed Aspen's hand and muttered a "Come on." and sat next to Cato leaving her to sit next to Mason. 

"Candor." greeted Mason curtly. He only did that if he liked someone. 


"It's Aspen and hi." she sighed, getting slightly angry. 

Cato just looked at her with raised eyebrows. She looked at him and shrugged her shoulders. 

"Anyway..." I started, changing the subject. 

"What's your name's? This is Aspen." I said introducing her seeing as she probably wasn't going to.

One by one everyone went around the table and introduced themselves to us. Well, more so to Aspen. I already knew who they were. 










"Nice to meet you guys. Name's Ace." I said introducing myself.

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