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stream sweetener by Ariana Grande 

raindrops (an angel cried)-10

the VOCALS 😍 that last note *WHEW CHILE* that note BLEW me and everyone on a 10 mile radius away


This song can get very annoying but I like this song and it's always stuck in my head. Whenever someone says fire I always think "sHoRtY yOu CaN gEt BLAZED!"

The light is coming - 9

Nicki's part? AMAZING . Ariana's part? AMAZING this is one of my favorite songs from sweetener and the music video UGH! BEAUTY! Ariana and Nicki can MURDER ME

R.E.M ☁️ - 9

This song songs like a really long good dream. "I don't wanna wake up" is exactly how I feel when I listen to this song. It's peaceful and fun and makes me think of clouds I can see why it's ari's favorite 

God is a Woman - 8.5

This song is the official feminism anthem. I love love love. The only downside is that ONCE AGAIN the LOCALS are singing their BOTCHED ASS LYRICS 


Kinda annoying ngl 


This song makes me feel like a BAD BITCH. even tho im sitting at home wearing the same pair of sweatpants for the 3rd day in a row, this song makes me wanna put on a business and yell at my parents like some privileged white kid

Everytime- 9

say it with me


literally one of the best songs on sweetener

Breathin- 7

Words can't explain how tired I am of this song. It good and it's so sweet but I'm tired of hearing this song on the radio

No Tears Left To Cry- 9

This song sounds like fairy lights. It's so sparkly and magical and I loveeee

Borderline - 5

lmao BYE 🤣 

Better off - 10

Best song on the album❤️

Good night n go-8

This song is so cute 

Pete Davidson-7

I don't like Pete but if we're ignoring who this song is about, it's cute and shit

Get well soon- 10

This is such a sweet song with such a beautiful meaning. Ari wrote this song for the Manchester attack survivors and those who lost loved ones. The length of the song (5:20) is for the date of the attack and there are 23 seconds of silence at the end for the victims who died. This song is not only emotional but has great vocals and lyrics



This is my second favorite album by ariana. There are emotional sobs that can make you drop tears and songs that make you wanna dance crazily. This album is so different from anything ariana has done in the past and while I still love her r&b style better, I absolutely LOVE sweetener. Like Ariana said it's like she's seeing the world in color for the first time. It's so happy and magical and good. 100% recommended

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