Little scary

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I was taking a little nap since I had done wayyy to much work and I had just been swimming, and now putting up with Payton maybe coming over to try and win me ove-


There was a loud bang and a low chuckle, I heard someone shout but I just thought they were watching a movie or something so I dismissed it and went back to sleep. Well I tried to


I heard someone scream and then shout "Chase get off of him!"
I soon enough heard a few more bangs as I came to realisation that it wasn't a movie.
I got out of my bed and chucked a blanket over my head, walking out of my room.
Y/n: what the hell is your guys problem I was trying to sle- Payton!
I rushed over to the boy who was sat on the floor whipping blood from nose.
Y/n: what the fuck happened?!
I asked as I helped Payton get back up.
Chase: he hurt you Y/n, I thought-
Y/n: you thought what? That I couldn't handle my own battles? You have literally beaten him up!
Chase: and what did he tell you to do?
Y/n: that's in the past Chase! Why can't you just move on?!
Chase: because I like you! Okay I like you a lot and I know that Payton is just going to hurt you. Again.
Y/n: whatever Chase.
I said as I took Payton into my room.
Chase: so you're just gonna comfort him. Like he did nothing to you. I just confessed my feelings to you and you jus-
Y/n: face it Chase. I don't like you. You're my friend nothing more!
Chase: right?
He said as he walked up the stairs back to his room.
Y/n: Chase no wait. I didn't- I... Chase?
I huffed and went back into my room only to see something I dreaded.

I screamed as I ran out of the room and grabbed him.
Y/n: something's wrong with Payton... I don't know what happened
He soon enough followed me into my room we're Payton was laying
Griffin: he's having a seizure. Y/n call the ambulance.

I frantically called 911 finally getting an answer.
The wait seemed like ages.
It was only around a two minute wait but it seemed like hours.
Payton was just coming out of the seizure.

Paramedic: has he ever had a seizure before?
I looked down at the slow responding boy
Y/n: no, I mean he's, he's passed out before but nothing like this.
Paramedic: he'll be fine, I trust you kids to look after him, just make sure he's resting for at least forty-eight hours, if it happens again just stay by him, let him know you're there. Here's some meds he'll have to take these every six hours. If he gets any worse than go to the hospital immediately.

They cleaned up Payton's face before leaving and helped me get him into the bed.
He came around 30 minutes later.
He was shaking loads but I guessed it was just because he was cold.
I was sat next to him just playing with his hair.
Payton: I-it's c-cold
He said as he continued to shake.
I moved so I was cuddled up to him a little more and gave him another 2 blankets.
Payton: I'm sorry... you don't have to stay if you don't want to.
I laid my head on his chest and played with his rings on his fingers
Y/n: I want to
Was all I said before I gave his hand a little kiss.
Payton: why do you let me come back into your life even if I hurt you?
I didn't move and just listened to his heart beat.
Y/n: you're worth the pain.
This time I moved a little to face him.
Payton: I really screwed up on this one didn't I?
He chuckled and looked down at me.
Y/n: no. No you didn't.
I said before placing my lips on his.
He didn't kiss but just let it happen.
Y/n: you never screw up, you make a mistake and you learn from it.
I said as I pulled away from him.
I sat so I was straddling him.
I put my head in the crook of his neck.

Y/n: I've missed you
I whispered as the hot air from my words hit his neck making him flinch.
Y/n: I've missed you more than just a friend Payton.
I moved so we were face to face.
Y/n: I just want to hold you and never let you go, I want to be able to hold your hand in public and make cute couple tiktoks with you, I want that.
He looked at me and managed to muster a little smile before giving my forehead a kiss.
I laid my head back on his chest, only hearing his heartbeat and moving up and down from his breathing.

Damn I missed this-

Did I miss Payton or did I miss Joey?

Love y'all 💛

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