Chapter 7: Reunion

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"Get away from them!" Tiger cried, lunging for the man. She managed to startle the guy a little, but not much. He growled and kicked her in the stomach, sending her rolling across the floor, clutching her stomach.

"Liz!" Caleb cried out. He leaped towards her. Once he saw that she was all right, he glared angrily and the man and swung his fist into his face. "That's foi hurti' my sista!" He cried, punching him with every word. Just before Caleb could punch him again, the man caught his fist. This time, Spot leaped forward, grabbed a nearby broom and wacked the guy in the stomach over and over. Rep and Race grabbed the mans arms while David and Jack yanked the guns from his grasp. Tunes went in search of a rope.

When the man was all tied up, Caleb pulled Tiger over the the boys who were sobbing. When they saw their older brother, the gasped, and stared. Tiger explained quietly to them what had happened while Caleb hugged the boys, sobbing quietly. 

"Now, what were ya doin' here." Caleb asked, leaving the boys with Tiger. "Ise thought Ise told ya I'e help ya. Why were ya threatenin' my little broddas?" 

"I knew that you were gonna come. You haven't done anything in two days, so I decided it was time for a little persuasion. The boss wouldn't be very forgiving if I let his prize betrayer abandon his work." The man growled and laughed at the same time. Spot could see Tiger shudder, but he wouldn't allow himself to give the same reaction, even if Race, Rep and Caleb seemed to. 

Then the man caught sight of Reptile. "I see you brought me our... target. Untie me, and I'll bring him to the boss. He will reward you accordingly." The man bribed. 

"How 'bout ya tell me where de big man's hidin' an' I bring de kid ta him. Ise jus' wanna make shore Ise get the reward he promised." Caleb offered. He crossed his arm and glared at the man, showing him that he meant business.

"Nice try kid. I'm taking the kid and that's final." Their captive snarled, a smile spreading on his lips. 

"Well, ya can't go anywhere when youse all tied up like dat. Let de kid take Rep." Jack said, stepping forward. He glared at Reptile, and the boys then knew to play along. 

"What! Ise thought ya were all helpin' me!" Reptile yelled as Race and Spot grabbed his arms and forced him to the ground. 

"Wese were." Jack shrugged. "But wese decided ya may not be innocent afta all. Ise mean, ya were caught with de gasoline bottle, and ya ran away. Only someone guilty would do dat." 

Reptile jerked and Spot kneed him in the back. Tunes tied his hands behind his back. 

"Caleb! Ya are a traitor!" Tiger cried. The boys were sobbing, but Spot could see one of them smiling a bit. He only hoped that, with the angle the man was at, he couldn't see it. 

"Dis is foi ya own good, Liz." Caleb said.

"All right, all right. I've seen enough to know that you really are against him. That's good. But who's the man?" The captive asked, tossing his head toward David. 

"I'm a reporter, sir. These kids told me they had something that could be big in the papers and I could't resist." David said, holding up a small notebook and a pencil he had found on one of the shelves. 

"No. No reporters." The man said. 

"But - but sir, I've been waiting for something big for months now!" David complained. 

"I said. No. Reporters." The man barked. 

David backed away, pretending to be scared. 

"All right. The bosses name is Carl. He lives in Manhattan, right in the center of the town square. He'll be waiting for you, Caleb." 

"C'mon, kid. Let's go. De rest o' ya come wid me." Caleb pulled Reptile to his feet. Caleb was a head taller, and stronger than Reptile, which gave off the impression that he really meant to hurt his new captive.

"Wait. Why are the rest of them going with you?" The man asked suspiciously. 

"My siblings are comin' because my mission is ova and Ise gonna take dem home. De bois are comin' wid me because Ise told dem dat if dey helped me, Ise w gonna give dem part of de reward. Ise ain't all bad." 

The man seemed to agree with this. 

Caleb lead the everyone out the back door, and the group continued their act the whole way, going through alleys and hiding behind crates and dumpsters. Jack had to bite his lip several times to keep from laughing, and Spot and Race and to take deep breathes from time to time to keep from laughing as well. The younger boys, Tunes, Peter and John had to have hands slapped over their mouths, and David held his lips together with his fingers. Caleb and Tiger smiled several times. Reptile just look deep in thought. 

They finally came to the house where Carl lived. Caleb knocked on the door  and a man, most likely a butler, opened it. When he saw Reptile tied up, he opened the door wide without hesitation to let Caleb and his siblings through, but not David or the other boys.

"It's find. Dey wid me." Caleb said. The butler allowed them to enter the house. He led to group to an office where a man was sitting in a chair, leaned over papers. When the group entered the room, the man looked up. 

"I see you completed your job." Carl smiled and stepped in front of his desk. "You did very well, young man. Here is your reward." He passed Caleb a stack of dollar bills. He gave a nod to his butler who left the room and closed the door behind him. Caleb pulled his siblings away form the group, and picked John up, lifting him onto his shoulders. Tiger wrapped her arms around Peter's shoulder.

"I bet you are all wondering why I wanted this young man." Carl said, beginning to pace in front of his desk, arms behind his back.

"You see, he murdered someone very special to me, a long time ago. Then he ran away. I have been searching for him ever since then. When I finally found him, I decided to take away his only source of food: his job. When I found out that several boys worked their, I had my doubts about my plan, but I went on with it anyways. I gave Caleb an offer he couldn't refuse, something that would provide for him and his family for three life times. He took the offer of course, but with a little persuasion. Then that sent you all on a wild goose chase for him, leading you back to the store... and straight into my clutches." 

Suddenly, policemen came from the door and through an open window. One came from behind the desk. 

"Take them." Carl ordered. 

"What! No! This wasn't part of our agreement!" Caleb cried. "Youse neva said nutin' 'bout taking our friends." 

"Life isn't fair, Caleb. You got your family back and enough money that you'll never have to work again. You should be happy." 

Caleb growled, but didn't move. Tiger's eyes widened. 

Suddenly, a police came up to Spot and knocked him down. His head slammed against the floor. 

"Spot!" Tiger cried.. She leaped forward, but was caught by her brothers.

"Stop! If ya want me, jus' take me!" Reptile bellowed. "It's me ya want, and Ise know why. Ise de one who led up ta modda's death. Leave my friends alone." 

"I'm sorry son. I can't. If I did, they would just help you escaped. 

The group was silent. They all stared at Carl and Reptile. 

"Fadda, let dem go. If ya want me, take me. If dey try ta get me to escape, Ise won't go wid dem, but only if ya let dem go." Reptile pleaded. 

"I'm sorry son. I can't do that. I'ts been a nice reunion." Carl snarled.

Suddenly, all of them, except for Caleb and his siblings, were hit on the head and knocked out.

Spot Conlon: To the Top [1]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara