Our Secrets (One-Shot)

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Harleen and Barbara just got out of school and decided to hang out in Metropolis, like they did back in Gotham City, without their cliques (obviously) because they didn't get along well, but it wouldn't stop the girls from seeing each other. They are best friends, and there is no excuse to stop being so.

Barbara ordered two Ice creams, and sat on a next to the blonde. As usual, they talked about daily stuff: school, series, comic books, gossips etc. Suddenly, their phones vibrate, Harleen receives a message from Poison Ivy asking for Harley Quinn to show up at a certain location, underneath, the red head wrote in bold letters "WE NEED BACK UP" the other villain simply responded with a "👍🏻" emoji. Barbara on the other hand, received a message from Wonder Woman asking for Batgirl to come and help save the day. The friends exchanged a nervous look.

"Y'know Babsy, I gotta go work a very important... thing... right now." said Harleen, not even making an effort to come up with a decent made-up story, the truth is that... she doesn't wanna hide the fact that she isn't a good person from Barbara, but she knows it won't be a matter that'll be accepted easily by the redhead.

"R-really?! What a coincidence I forgot about this... Uh... problem... that my dad told me to solve last night and I just remembered it now...So uh... see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, yeah! Sure, Babsy, bye!" She said quickly as she ran on the opposite direction of her friend.

When they arrived, the fight had already started, and like usual, the heroes were winning. Batgirl tried to find her usual enemy in battle, Harley Quinn. They weren't enemies for any specific reason, they just didn't have any powers like the others, and relied upon gadget items, so it's a more even and fair combat.

"Stop right there, you psychopathic clown! You shouldn't have done... whatever you did!" Batgirl didn't see what happened exactly, the only information they gave her was that the criminals were gathered in the city center. But she questioned nothing. Villains were villains, and all that matters is that their acts are wrong. Or at least it's what she thinks.

Harley Quinn laughed maniacally "Thinking ya can stop me Brat-Girl?! Never!" Like her enemy, she didn't know what had passed either, but she had nothing to lose and fight the heroes was always fun.

The two enemies were fighting on the streets of Metropolis and moving more and more far away from the others until they were in a dark alley. Batgirl cornered Harley Quinn and threw punches at her. Then she realized that a little of the villain's white makeup came out, along with her mask, letting batgirl see a somewhat... familiar face.

"H-Harleen?!" Asked Batgirl with a trembling voice.

While it distracted her studying at the clown's face, she received a punch and fell to her back on the floor. Barbara couldn't believe the discovery she just made. The hero couldn't move. She just sat still, staring at the girl in front of her.

"Nope, Harley Quinn bitch." She wasn't really that surprised that the hero knew her name, it wasn't like she was trying to hide it anyway. It was a little worrisome, but she figured batgirl was rather stupid so, she probably wouldn't say anything if threatened correctly.

Batgirl rapidly stood up, watching the beaten up girl. "Y-you're a villain?"

"Uh... yeah?! I thought that was clear, isn't that why we're fighting?" The clown stared at Batgirl, confused, not knowing why they stopped. Does she recognizes me? She thought. Looking around, the villain was mentally debating about running away or pushing the hero back to a fight, but that was probably not a good idea. The blonde was feeling tired and she probably wouldn't have the energy to run for too much time, also she was losing the fight, now she wouldn't need to worry about being defeated, so she played along.

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