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Keep still. If you move, they'll notice your existence. Keep quiet. If you speak, they'll know. They would hear the fear in your voice and see the pain in your eyes. After all, even with your mask, you can't hide it all. Your porcelain cracks show more than you'd like to admit, so you keep still in order to minimize the damage. The crevices are beginning to become more prominent, so you keep quiet to lessen your presence. You're being noticed. "You're that quiet girl." No. "Hey!" Stop. "You look familiar." Please. Give me my invisibility back. My superpower has faded. Idea: develop a new ability. Camouflage. Blending in. Not standing out. He is outstanding. I am small and light and unprepared, but we talk. More notice. Camouflage is no longer an option for I can't seem to fade into the shadows without someone pulling me back out. Idea: adaptation. Adapt to my surroundings rather than blend in and hide. Become outstanding.

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