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As my tiny highschool came into view of the bus there were already kids crowding the parking lot, broken up into little groups that fit their personality the most. Near the center of the lot was the largest group of all, it was made up of the most popular kids in the school, and it was the group that Imani would joined when she got off the bus. I didn't even try to talk to her as she passed, the line between us was drawn a long time ago and I knew thatI could never cross it. That didn't stop Skylar from saying one last thing before we parted ways.

"What's wrong fishgirl? You looking for some friends?" She tossed back her head and laughed, her blond curls bouncing. Imani grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the group throwing a sad look to me from over her shoulder. I don't care, I like being alone. There was a small bench near the entrance of the school that I sat on and pulled out the book I had been reading. However, just as I was staring to get into the story a group of near by boys thought it would be funny to make fish faes at me. They were not popular by anymean, not even close. They were the boys that played Anime cards at lunch and never discoved deoderant. Whatever. I thought, hoping that ignoring them would take the fun out of it. But it seemed to only make them try harder. Ishmel, the leader, steped closer to me while his friends wathed in amusement. He was also the shortest and skinniest of the boys, with pimples rippling under his darkskin.

"Aye fishgirl." He said standing over me. "Do all mermaids have those DSLs like you?" At that I folded my book, stood up and stared down at him. Unlike Skylar he didn't make me feel small. And how could he, the only ones who liked him was his equally repulsive friends. He was on the same socail level as me. But he had one thingI didn't, guts. As much as I wanted to I just couldn't say anything to him. I had no clever comeback and even if I did I would get toung tied and embarrass myself even more. Behind him his friends stared with eger expressions, waiting to see if Ishmel could egg me on. I lifted my head high and turned to walk into the school. I won't give them the satisfaction. Yet they still laughed as the school doors closed behind me.

Inside, the refreshing air conditioner and the smell of freshly printed paper greeted me. The hallways were empty except for a few girls talking by the lockers and teachers finishing up 'Welcome Back' posters outside their doors. My locker was halfway down the hall and inside it was exactly how I left it, empty except for the pictures of my favorite anime characters on it. Further down the hall came a boy walking my way, he was tall, almost 6'2, with skin so dark and smooth he looked to be carved from onyx. In his hands he clutched a peice of paper, looking from it to numbers by the classroom doors. Confussion was skecthed into his deepset eyes and his full lips parted slightly.

"Escuse me," He said, spotting me, "Do you know where room 103 is? Mr.Ryan is my first class but I can't find it."

"It would be down this hall and the first room on the left." I pointed behind me, wondering how I didn't stumble on my words.

"Thanks," He smilled, letting the dimples in his cheeks show, "I went that way earlier but I guess I missed it."

"Yeah, the numbers are out of order so everyone gets lost on their first day."

"They're out of order? Hmm, would you mind showing it to me?" I must have given him a strange look because he added, "If, if you don't mind. It's just that... I've walked around these halls about three times and still can't find it."

"Sure." I closed my locker and led the way. The walk down the hall was too quiet except for our footsteps as I racked my braintrying to think of something to say. Boys always made me nervous espetouly the cute ones. But, here I was leading what has to be the cutest boy in school. If I was Imani I could have this boy wrapped around my finger by the second period. "Here we are." I said when we got to the door.

"Thanks," He smiled at me agian, and and my heart when I started to walk away he added, "How did you know was new."

"Well, I've never seen you before." I would have remembered seeing a face like that.

"Ha, true. Well let me introduce my self, I'm Lydell." Just then my nervousnes went away and was replaced by digust. "And what's you're name?" He put out a hand for me to shake and the idea of that wanted me to puke.

"I'm Jameesha." I waited for him to rember and sure enough he did. Shock and embarsment fell over his cute face. He used to be shorter and a lot fatter, but that was him. It had been 3 years since he moved away and I hope that it would stay that way.

"J-J-Jameesha? The girl that-"

"The FISHgirl. At least that's what you made everyone call me."

"I-I never ment to-" To what? Make my life a living hell everyday? "I'm sorry. For everything." I just stared at his sad black eyes. I stared at this person who used to be my bestfriend and then my tormentor and felt hate in my heart. There were so many things I wanted to say to him, things to make him feel as bad as he made me. Instead I walked back to my locker. I have enough to deal with and Lydell Wilson could not be one of them.

They call me FishgirlWhere stories live. Discover now