Secret Revealed

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"Hi. I'm Harry Styles, 20, and I've got a secret."

Today's the day I have long-awaited for. Today's the beginning of me being my utmost self, the start of living in sheer truth. Today's my day.

I stared at the screen as hundreds of comments flooded my vision. Some assume I'm gay, others say bi, and all other sexualities. Some exclaim 'Larry Stylinson' and others 'Narry' being real. Though, is either of the two even real?

I didn't want to make a long speech or anything, I just want to get this done and over with. I just need to speak of the truth and set myself free. It's kind of unusually embarrasing hearing it from my mind, but hey, it's true. I've been trapped for far too long.

I never knew how one could actually say it. Telling it to mum was definitely easier, compared to talking to anyone and everyone watching from the other side of the internet.

I can feel my cheeks heat up, as I fumbled with my words and fiddled with my fingers. Moisture glossed my eyes and the anger I've got toward myself felt burning harsh again.

I have never lied to anyone. I'm such a horrible liar at that, and I guess most could see it. I wasn't even lying at all, though. Just a simple little secret that meant the world to me. Yup, just a simple little secret.

I rubbed at my face before finally composing myself. "It's true what they say-" I trailed off, partially ridding off the tension. "I, Harry Styles, am bisexual." My eyes dropped down on the ground and I lightly sniffed, mixed emotions crushing me.

"No real relationship among the band members, though." I rubbed at my eyes and added, "Just me." I prepared myself from utter hatred, but nothing could have gotten me ready. With a loud sigh, I lastly glanced at the screen before shutting my laptop off.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm not proud of myself or anything. It's just that... I've been enclosed in platinum walls for years and now, they're all of a sudden pushing me to come out? What kind of stunt was that?!

Of course, being free has its perks. I just have to keep the 'gay' title to myself and not drag anyone else with me. I mean, it's really just me anyway, who could I drag? Why does management have to point that out when I'm really the only one?

It's about Louis and I again, I guess. With my confession, our non-existent romantic relationship would again see the light of day. The thing is, it's false, it's made-up, it's nothing but a "fan fiction", a conspiracy. And that's what hurts the most.

I mean, yeah, we used to play a couple-y relationship, but it's all pretend. A really good pretend that got even myself fooled. I clearly remember saying that our feelings were mutual, and that we've discussed it...

I guess it wasn't mutual after all.

I logged in to twitter again, only this time through my iPhone. I received a call from Niall who simply asked how I feel the moment I picked up. I'm fine, I told him. I mean, what more could I ask for right? I'm free. I could be who I god damn want and need to be. Nothing more, nothing less.

My mentions were all blown up again, though this time I knew it would be different. I gathered up my strength and composed myself, before switching to the mentions section and reading the fans' and everyone else's tweets.

A swiftly read them one by one and they were all practically the same. Or at least, only two different people. There are those who completely accepted me, tweeting stuff like "I knew it" or "I was right all along". Some went on with the questions toward Louis, and the others.

But the biggest portion (or atleast that's how it seemed to me) were all the hate. Dozens of tweets emphasized how "gross" and different I am. Hundreds tell me to just kill myself. It wasn't the worst though. The worst were those tweets that were filled with curses and swears. Multiple capitalized "f*ck you"s and "go screw yourself"s.

Why was it the worst for me? It simply reminded me of those tweets. Those tweets that haunted me for days, weeks even. Tweets that actually came from the man I have fallen for. Tweets that weren't meant directly for me, but hurt all the same.

It's true; I have aimlessly fallen for my bandmate. And it's not something I'm proud of. I have first thought that he loved me as much, more than the games, more than the show for our lovely fans. I have falsely assumed that he was truly head-over-heels for me, as I for him. And with those foolish assumptions, no more warnings, I fell in love.

And now, though I'm free, I'm still trapped within my feelings for the lad.

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