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Viking's pov ***

    When Amberlyn hugged me and said that she missed me, I just wanted to take her to the bedroom and show her how much I missed her.

  But I can't! At least not yet. We have to deal with the dumbass idiots who decided to break into the bar.

  "Baby, can you go to my bedroom? In the lower desk drawer is a black leather bag. Can you bring it to me?"

  She nods and goes to do as I asked. I look to Bull and whispered. "I'm as screwed as you were when you met Sara." He just nodded his head.

   Bull shows his evil grin. He knows me so well. He knows that the bag is for scare tactics.

  "So you're gonna torture these fuckers before you kill them. Good choice my brother!" Bull said.

  "Thank you. I like a good scream during a storm." I look back to the idiots. Their wet spots have expanded. "Y'all got more piss to lose? I don't want to get wet...... unless it is with blood." I gave my evil smile. I don't think that they can get any more pale without passing out. Bull laughed.

  Amberlyn came back with the bag and handed it to me.

  "You better get the tarps out. You know that little girl hates cleaning up all of the blood."

  "Good idea! I'd hate for her to be pissed at me. That little bit can beat the hell out of most anyone." I went behind the bar and picked up the tarp that I had put back there after the paint had dried from the back hallway and restrooms. The paint splatter looked like dried blood.

  The two idiots looked sick. Bull helped me lay the tarp on the floor. Then we picked up each chair and sat it in the middle of the tarp. I made sure that where I had spilled a good bit of paint, was just in front of them. They were fuckin shaking like a leaf in the storm.

  I pulled one of the tables in front of them and grabbed my bag. Then I took the rolled up organizer from the bag and unrolled it on the table. The instruments looked very scary to anyone who didn't know that they were for wood carving.

  "And those that she can't beat, she shoots!" Bull added.

  "Or married!" I laughed. "How is my little sister, anyway?"

  "She was fighting two guys when I left." The idiots faces were as white as a ghost. Which made us laugh harder. This was too fun! Who knew a storm would bring so much entertainment?

  Amberlyn was standing to the side watching. When she saw the paint splatter, her forehead scrunched as she was putting everything in order. I noticed when she realized what the stains were from. A twinkle came into her baby blues. She looked at me. "What's all that blood from?" She asked with amusement.

  "The last people who broke into the bar. They tried to kidnap my sister. She and Bull took offense. Those five never made it out alive either." She didn't realize that I was speaking the truth.

   She faked a yawn as she nodded. I picked up the scariest carving knife, then looked at the bastards and smiled. Both men fainted! All three of us laughed our asses off.

  "So you still carve wood!" Amberlyn asked and I nod. "Man that brings back memories! I still have everything that you carved for me."

   I was very surprised to hear that. "Really? I thought that you thought that was stupid and boring! At least that is what you said once." After she said that, I never made her anything else.

  "I lied. You had carved Wendy Taylor a heart. She bragged about it to me." Amberlyn looked down at the floor. "It hurt."

  "We'll talk about that later. Right now, we need to deal with these bastards. I move them off the tarp as Bull calls the cops.

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