Chapter 5: Battle For the Universe

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Meanwhile, Thanos continued his rampage with the stones, even going so far as to kill his daughter to obtain the elusive Soul Stone. And now he was on Titan, fighting Tony Stark, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man and the Guardians of the Galaxy, led by space outlaw Peter Quill, also known as Star Lord.

But on Wakanda, Steve, Wanda, Natasha, Sam, Bruce, Rhodey and Vision were flying to help King T'Challa fight for the fate of the universe against Thanos. In the jet, they flew into Wakanda. Landing on the ground, they exited the jet to greet Okoye and T'Challa.

'Seems like I'm always thanking you for something,' Steve said, shaking T'Challa's hand. Bruce bowed awkwardly to the Wakandan king, but T'Challa shook his head and waved his hand.

'We don't do that here.' Bruce shot Rhodey a look and he answered with a grin. 'So how big of an assault can we expect?'

'Uh, sir, I think you can expect quite a big assault,' Bruce pointed out.

'How we looking?' Natasha asked.

'You will have my Kingsguard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and-'

'Two semi-stable, very old ex-assassins,' I called out cheerily, as Bucky and I walked up to the motley crew, my hand in his. Bucky hugged Steve, then Steve hugged me.

'How you been, Buck? Adelaide?'

'Not bad,' Bucky spoke, 'for the end of the world.' I greeted the rest of the crew as we walked in to the building.

In one of the rooms, Vision was laying on a table and Shuri, T'Challa's younger sister, scanned the gem in Vision's head with her bracelet, then flipped it to show the rest of the crew. Just then, I felt a tugging on my elbow, and Bucky pulled me aside to a small corner where we would barely be noticed - I hoped.

'Adelaide, I need you to do something for me.'

'Bucky, I - I have to fight. For all of you. The universe is at stake and I can't sacrifice that. Not for anything.'

'What about our baby? You're four months pregnant, Adelaide and we can't risk it. I need you to sit out of the fight.'

'I'm not going to.' I looked back over towards the others, who were still talking about Vision's stone and fighting against Thanos' armies. He grabbed my hand and I turned to meet his eyes.

'Then promise me this one thing. Just stay until we really need you. If things get really serious, I will ask you to join the fight. Please?'

'Yes.' We kissed briefly, but when we released, Steve was looking over at us. Bucky left and I went to stand beside Steve.

'What was that about?' he whispered to me.

'Promise not to tell?'


'He asked that I stay out of the fight. The thing is - I can't. I mean, I won't. The problem is... I'm pregnant.' A mask of surprise and shock came over his face.

'How far along?'

'Four months, a week and five days. I persuaded Buck to let me stay inside the citadel, but come out only if there was a real emergency.'

'Does anyone else know?'

'No.' Just then Vision's voice came from the other side of the room. He was struggling to sit up and was half-sliding off of the table.

'It's too late. We need to destroy the stone now.'

'Vision, get your ass back on the table,' Natasha said to him. He shuffled back onto the table.

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