A/N ║ Hello!

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Ello there, reader! Before we start, do keep in mind that the chapters of this book have been taken down for editing. Please don't judge the book for its low vote to read ratio, it's been affected from the unpublished chapters unfortunately.

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Hi everyone!ヾ(^ w ^)

I'm lonely_cheesecake, but my real name is Allyne!

Nah, I'm just messing around with ya. Allyne is my pen name. I bet you wish your name is as pretty as that, huh?

Actually, same here...

Anyway, forget about that, no one cares. Let's get on to some other slightly more relevant stuff!

I've been writing stories for myself ever since I was about four. Since then, picking up a pen and dancing away with words has always been an enjoyable time to me! For this story, I was inspired to write this story about two or three months ago (early 2020), so I decided to post it here. I even added my Dramatic Backstory in the last chapter lol.

However, being a quirky-unique-born-different-average-boring-girl (wait no, don't run away, I'm kidding), I never had the courage to share my stories with my family and friends, even though we're pretty close. Obviously, it's kinda scary to know that some random person will be reading this rubbish I wrote.

Alright, fine. I was lying. I'm actually terrified and super close to shrinking away into nothingness.

An early TRIGGER WARNING : Before you start reading, please be aware that this book contains murder, violence, suicide, and a touch of profanity. Just like many action/thriller/horror books and movies out there, trigger warnings will NOT be added before each scene. This is your only warning, please keep it in mind!!

Fortunately, I don't like including mature themes, so there won't be much of those. In fact, Homework is aimed for anyone above twelve, plus inspired by the Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Dork Diaries vibe, so don't be too frightened by the warning! :)

Shoot, this has turned into an essay instead of a note. Hooray.

Despite that, I hope you'll love this story! If you do like and enjoy it, please show your support by voting, commenting, sharing the book, or adding it to your reading list! It may be a small thing to you, but it means the world to me. Honest.

If you're new to Wattpad, welcome, and thank you for choosing to read Homework as one of your first books! Vote on the chapters by clicking the star icon, and do leave an inline comment at the side of any paragraph, whether it's a compliment, a bit of criticism, or even an obnoxious hate comment. Needless to say, this story isn't perfect – if you catch any mistakes with my grammar, notice any offensive content, or have any questions, please feel free to let me know or ask away via the comments section. Rest assured, I can take advice and feedback anytime to improve my writing, I'm not a sNoWfLaKe... besides, I live in a hot country.

Fine, I know my jokes suck. Sheesh.

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Finally, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH to chichooyaaa__ for being a very very veryyy supportive friend, even though I bother you twenty-four seven, heh. Your book inspired me to get my work out there. If you hadn't enlightened me with Wattpad, I wouldn't have the courage to put this out there for everyone to read. I really appreciate your never-ending help and support, bestie. <3


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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