Fem!Bissagos x Fem!St Barth

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[A/N: publishes while blushing in shame because I'm late. Thank you so much to @Filledefeu for requesting this, I loved the change from my usual mxm fills! Real quick note before I let you guys continue: in this fill Bissagos and St Barth almost never call each other by name, and I only use St Barth's full name once. This is because I feel like they'd be slightly awkward names to say, so I came up with pet names! Bissagos is bijou because the two sound similar, and St Barth is minette (Barthélemy --> Bartholomew --> mew --> meow --> kitten --> minette). Alright, you're free to go enjoy now!]

~ Third Person POV ~

The small tourist destination known as Saint Barthélemy leans tiredly against a wall of glass. It's cool, and the smooth texture eases at her raging headache. Even though the mass exodus that marks the end of tourist season has already passed, her airport is still fairly busy. It bustles with cute couples honeymooning and rich business execs on vacation.

A tall man brushes by her, muttering a quick "sorry," before abruptly stopping and turning around with interest in his gaze. He eyes her slim figure and tanned complexion appreciatively, noting diamond earrings and designer shoes. St Barth barely manages to mask her small grimace as a polite smile: her head is throbbing and she's nearly at her wits end.

"Ah it's fine, ne t'en fais pas," the country waves a hand as if dismissing the inconvenience, hoping the man will just continue on his way. She has no such luck.

"Cute and French?" he asks jovially, leaning a bit closer into her personal space, "it must be my lucky day."

St Barth smiles tightly, wincing slightly as her headache hammers away her normally instinctive social skills, "I'm afraid not, although the offer is truly tempting: I have a girlfriend. And yes, we're exclusive."

The man seems disappointed, hazel eyes dimming slightly, but at least he respects the declaration and continues walking, "Alright, enjoy your vacation."

As his suit-clad shoulders turn away, she catches half a phrase ("so fucking hot") before he's gone from both sight and memory. Normally, the island wouldn't have minded a bit of flirting: as long as nothing went too far she could use it as an opportunity to show off her favourite beaches and introduce them to locals. But right now, she just can't. Sure, St Barth is extroverted, especially compared to her girlfriend, but the foreigners that flood in for the winter are only tolerable for so long. After a bit, they become abrasive, clamouring irritatingly over her already raw nerves.

She really needs a break. And her girlfriend.

"Minette!" a warm, honeyed voice calls out, almost perfectly on cue, "Mon petit, bonjour!"

St Barth glances towards the origin of the sound, pushing off the glass wall as she catches sight of Bissagos weaving through the sparse crowd. The smaller island's dark chocolate afro bounces lightly as she jogs down the walkway, hurrying to scoop up St Barth in a fierce embrace.

The taller country sighs in relief as Bissagos' strong arms wrap around her tightly, comfortingly, "Ahh, mon bijou, bonjour! I've missed you so much."

Bissagos mumbles in agreement, deeply inhaling the coconut-lime scent of her girlfriend. It's nearly stale, far less crisp and fresh than usual: she's exhausted, "Allons-y minette, you seem tired. We can catch up in the car."

Wrapping her arm gently around St Barth's waist, Bissagos leads the two out to the airport garage. She slips the keys from her girlfriend, sliding into the driver's seat and quickly navigating home.


"Ahh, I always forget how good your showerhead feels, minette," Bissagos sighs happily as she exits the bathroom, steam curling around her towel-wrapped form.

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