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When Eddie called that night, Richie bragged about his new friend, saying that they provided much better competition. Eddie, of course, was not convinced by this.

"Oh, really? What's your friend's name."

Richie hesitated, reflecting about the time you two spent over the game before realizing that you two never actually asked for names. "Uh..."

"That's what I thought," Eddie said triumphantly. Richie could practically see the victorious smile on his face.

"No! We were just so caught up in the game that we didn't really ask each other." Eddie hummed, not believing his best friend for even a second. "I'm being fucking serious," Richie pleaded over the phone, "She said that she would be at the arcade tomorrow too."

Eddie rolled his eyes, "Sure, so if I go tomorrow then I'll see her there?"

"Yes!" Richie spoke confidently.

"We'll see," Eddie laughed, "Now I have to go, it's bedtime."

Richie shook his head at his friend before wishing him a good night.

At dinner your mom asked you if you had made any friends while you were gone. That morning, you wouldn't have guessed you would actually make a friend. Your mind was so caught up over what you had lost instead of what was in front of you. However, that arrogant asshole brought you back to the present and you were ready to destroy his pride. But as the game went on, you two exchanged some small talk and you found a bit in common with one another. You both like video games (that's a given), you both enjoyed good competition, and you both didn't mind each other's company.

"Yeah, I did," You responded, the corners of your lips tilting upwards.

"What's their name?"

You opened your mouth to respond before shutting it suddenly. Holy crap you don't know his name! Your eyebrows furrowed as you wracked your brain for some sort of answer. "Uh, I guess I didn't really ask."

Your mom tilted her head in confusion. "You didn't ask each other your names?"

"No," You let out a light hearted laugh, "We were so caught up in the game that I guess it didn't really matter."

Your mom wasn't very pleased but didn't say much after that. The rest of the dinner was pretty quiet, your dad talked made a few comments about his job, including a teenager being arrested for his father's murder, but nothing else that really caught your attention. As you traveled to your bedroom, you held your breath, wondering if you should ask about tomorrow or not. Your mom wasn't too happy about you not knowing the name of your new friend, but at least you were making friends. Letting out your shaky breath, you turned around and walked back to the kitchen, head leaking over the corner.

"Hey mom?" She hummed in response. "Can I go out tomorrow too?"

Her head lifted up as she faced towards you, putting her hand on her hip. "Of course, why would I keep you inside of the house?"

"Oh," well maybe because there's missing children "Right," You smiled, turning back around and walking to your room.

"Oh," well maybe because there's missing children "Right," You smiled, turning back around and walking to your room

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