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Have you ever lost someone you love? Have you felt like you are falling into a deep hole after being separated from that certain someone? Have you ever felt like you lost hope in everything? Have you ever felt like being suck in this big black hole named "sadness"?

She was my everything. She was my bliss and hope. She was always there. I'll admit she's corny but she's the only person I know that can handle my cockiness.

August 14, 2016 is the day where my life took a turn because of a girl making paper cranes. I was in the hill behind the shades of the tree while she is in the other side. I was busy reflecting while she was busy making pink paper cranes. She was humming with her beautiful voice while the trees are swaying because of the windy breeze. Yet I haven't seen her face.

It became my habit to stay at that peaceful hill and it also became her habit. I met her with smiles. She has a lovely face. Her hazel brown hair flows perfectly with her brown eyes. Her feckles are something. Her lips are... I don't know. Guess I have run out of words to describe her. She also have a lovely name, Nica Ruth. I asked her why was she making paper cranes.

"I don't even know. I just feel it." She answered with her soft voice. After finishing a single paper crane, she put it into a red box.

Hundred days have past but the hill top has become our place. And little by little i haven't notice I fell inlove with her. She is something. She is different from the others there. I love how she yawns when the sun is going down. I love how she pick up grasses and throw it to me like some kind of confetti when I say something corny or cheesy. I love how she fold those paper that can turn into cranes. I love her simple details. I love her.

Yet my feelings for her haven't spoken out loud...

Until one day I came up to a hill and there is something missing. There was no Nica Ruth. There was no maker of paper cranes. There was no sound of folding papers anywhere.

Just a yellow paper crane hanging from the tree.


Ummm... So thank you for reading the prolouge and I'll love you if you appreciate it. So in every chapter there will be two parts. The first part will happen in the present and the second one will focus on the flashback and thingys.

*** - this means the end of the first part.

So yeah, let's get this started!

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