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It was just a matter of time. Leysa was given an epidural to help with the pain and was dozing off but woken back up. Any time I saw her having a contraction, I applied pressure to her lower back, trying to help keep her asleep.

Hourly updates from the nurses and doctors, but it was slow progression. She was only at a three when she needed to be at a nine or ten. It had been almost ten hours with no progression.

The doctors wouldn't consider a C-section unless it was past twenty four hours, and under seven. But since she was a mental health patient, they might.

She wasn't even allowed to eat with the epidural in place.

"Mase?" I heard her ask, so exhausted... I knew she wasn't dealing well. ".... Is it bad to request it?" She meant the alternative.

"No... Not in the least." I rubbed the underside of her belly, since the middle had a monitor. "Are you needing your meds?" She nodded, and I heard her sniffle. "Let me go get the nurse, okay?" I didn't want to leave her alone, but it would be the quickest way. Once I got the doctor to get the OR booked, she was in full-blown breakdown mode.

"Leysa?" The doctor was checking the monitors.

"It's PTSD." I wasn't going to spill her past. "That's why. She needs her medication as soon as possible."

"We need her calm first, Mr. Clairmont."

"Give me ten minutes." She nodded and left me alone with her. I sat beside her on the opposite side so I could face her. "Listen, Leysa. I know it hurts. I know you're thinking of Sean and your other child, but they need you to do this. I need you to do this. As soon as we hear it screaming like a banshee I know that kid will be, you can get your meds, and your sleep... Please, baby..." I held her face, getting her to look at me as I wiped her tears away. "For me. For him. For all of us." She began to calm down. "Are you ready?" I asked her five minutes later. She nodded and I opened the door again.

"Alright, Leysa. Let's meet your baby."


It was weird being in scrubs. But I sat beside her head, holding her hand tightly.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" I talked, trying to distract her. "Because I do."

"I know... I love you, too." She closed her eyes, breathing deeply. All of a sudden, loud screaming entered the room.

"It's a girl!" Leysa began to sob. They held her up for us to see. Her squished little face was covered in blood but she had fiery red hair, just like her mother. They began to start cleaning her up, checking all of her stats. I pressed a kiss to Leysa's forehead, then my own to hers. "Alright, if you want to go with your daughter and the nurses, we're going to finish up here." The doctor said to me. I gave Leysa a quick kiss.

"I'll be there when you wake up, okay?" She nodded and I waited until she put Leysa under to leave with the nurse.



Cotton mouth. I hated cotton mouth.

"Welcome back." My doctor smiled brightly at me as she handed me some sprite, and a paper cup full of my medication. I'd never been more thankful. "Both you and your daughter did wonderfully. Mason is on his way back down, and we'll move you to a room in an hour... and then you can see her." I nodded, still unable to speak. She took a quick note of vials, and I slipped back under to let the anesthesia wear off.

But Mason was there when I woke up again. Holding our daughter in his arms in the rocking chair.

I felt stable again with my meds in my system.

"I think it's mommy's turn to hold you." He cooed quietly to her, handing me the delicate pink bundle. I took her in my arms, seeing squinty blue eyes studying me inquisitively.

"Hi..." I breathed, my breath hitching. Too many emotions flooded me. "Have... Have you decided on a name?" He shook his head.

"I figured you wanted to name her... Something in memorial." I smiled, holding back tears. "Sean is both female and male on the names... If you wanted to name her that... I would have no objections." I swallowed thickly.

"Shawn. Like Shawn Johnson." He kissed my forehead.

"Then I get to pick her middle name." A chuckle bubbled in my chest. "I'll go let the nurse know for the birth certificate." He left me alone with my daughter. My rainbow baby.

My second chance.

She yawned, her eyes closing, and her tiny hand slipping around my finger, making my heart mend. A tear slipped down my cheek, and I began to feel whole again.

My family... I had a real family.

Agnes showed up sometime later, all smiles and ready to snatch her from my arms.

"She's precious." She sat in the rocker as Mason sat beside me. I smiled, my heart swelling with pride. "I know, all babies look like potatoes until their skull forms, but she is precious." I snickered, resting my head on Mason's shoulder. He squeezed my hand, gently stroking the top of my hand with his thumb. "What's her name?"

"Shawn Sadie Clairmont." Mason announced to her. "A whopping eight pounds, two ounces."

"If she ends up taller than me, I'm going to make you my height." Mason burst out laughing at me.

"Sorry, love. My family runs tall."

"Well. This little angel needs some clothes that aren't gender neutral. How about I go pick up dinner, and do a little shopping?"

"It's okay, Agnes. You and Leysa can go pick out all the baby clothes you want after she's recovered. She's not going to be leaving the house until then unless we're walking the trail for now." Almost pouting, she nodded. Agnes loves children, which is one reason I picked her for the job.

"Don't worry. We'll let you go crazy on Amazon for now." She smiled softly, continuing to rock Shawn to sleep.

"If you want to go home and sleep in bed-"

"Nope. I'm staying here with you until you're released." I smiled, watching Agnes just sway with the rocker, completely entranced by her. "Are you feeling better?"

"I am... mentally, at least. I'm feeling the pain now." I admitted. I was going to for awhile.

"Just remember, that pain gave us her."

And she was worth every ounce of pain in the world.

No scheduled updates.

I just started The ToG series over the last two weeks, I'm on book 4, and holy hell... I'm flying through them now. Anyone else in love with Sarah J Maas and literally 95% of all her characters? I want a Rhys and Rowan for myself. 😭

Anyways. Enjoy the update, and if you haven't invested time in ACOTAR/ToG... You're very much missing out.

Stay home if you can, and stay safe!


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