The Darkness Forcomes

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Tendrils of darkness crept around my fingers, swept up my arms and tenderly fondled my cheeks with a kiss of inky black. The clammy fingers left pockets of nervous sweat bubbling on my skin. A cold breath gusted over my skin arousing goosebumps at the nape o my neck as the hand swept down to rest in the concave of my back. The fingers that dug into my flesh felt like red hot pokers as it forced me forward but I blocked the pain from my mind and bit my lip to stay quiet. It pushed me towards the slither of jaded moonlight that reflected off the ground.

I could smell him before I could see him. The hand had left my back and I felt at loss from the, creepy and undeserved, comfort it provided The dank stench of my pursuer reached my nostrils as the first pallid limb reached from the shadows, grasping the light and dragging itself into my view. Its long skeletal body folded up, it’s height encompassing me and it’s dark, lifeless eyes seemed to pierce my soul. A slight breeze awoke the torn fabric that adorned its emaciated figure and greeted my nose with the pungent smell of decay. With a hiss lips were stretched across rows of straight teeth and a grin began to form on its gaunt features.  A limb rose and a finger with nails as sharp as obsidian that protruded through gaping, bloody holes in the tip of the finger cleaved through my skin shooting a wave of fire though my body. The gasp never left my lips as its arm twisted the last of the air out of my lungs. With a final snarl it extracted itself from within me and shrunk back into the shadows leaving me to collapse to the ground and drown in my blood alone.

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