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Embers pov

We had finished dinner and we were all watching Christmas movies. It was on Lampoons Christmas or something like that. I wasn't really paying attention. I was more focused about tomorrow. My plan was simple. Tell Devan that I was pregnant in Christmas. What a gift huh?

I got petty tired so I laid my head on Devan's shoulder. Devan grabbed my hand and held it gently.

"Hey Guys I think we're gonna head home. It's pretty late," Devan said. I looked at the clock and it read 11:00. I sat up and we said our goodbyes. We got into the car and I didn't plug in my phone for once. I just turned in the radio and listened to Christmas music softly playing.

"You alright?"he asked me

"Yeah I'm fine. Why?"

"You just seem off,"

"I dunno what you're talking about," I replied

"You just seems anxious I guess,"

"Oh yea," I rubbed the back of my next anxiously " that.."

He gave me a quick puzzled look

"I'm just excited to give you your first tomorrow,"

"Ember I though I told you no,"

"No. I had to do this," I smiled to myself.

"Ember," he whined

"No, Devan you're taking this gift," I told him

"Fine. Then you can't complain,"

"Complain about what?"

" you'll see," he smirked

We got home and I went straight to bed. I was to anxious to do anything but sleep to get my mind off everything.


I wine up the next morning. I rolled over and looked at the time. 5:16.

I looked to my left and saw a Devan still sleeping.

I shook him awake

"Devan get your lazy self up,"

"Whattt," he whined rolling to opposite side from me

"We got get upppp," I whined back



"No," he huffed

"Devan I'll push you out of this bed if I have to,"

No reply.

I kept to my word and pushed him off the be. And into the floor with a thud. I peeked my head over the bed to see Devan sitting up with his arms and staring at me

"You're so childish," he rubbed his face before standing up and going into the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on so I used this opportunity to film a little. I grabbed the camera and walked into the living room.

"Hey guys so it's Christmas morning and Devan's in the shower that's why I'm talking g a bit quieter," I became silent to pluck up the sound of running water. "So I'm going to set up the camera and now we wait."

I set the camera up hidden and then sat in the couch. I had around seven boxes sitting with me and then a small rectangular one in my lap. It was tied with a yellow bow.

"Devan!" I yelled

"What?" He turned the corner and came out in sully onesie I made him get back in October.

"Oh yay you're actually wearing it!"

"Oh whatever," he giggled coming over to me and kissed me softly.

"What are the boxes for?" He asked

"You," I smirked

"Ember no. I told you no."

"But I had too!" I whined

He got up and came back in the room with what seemed to be around 13 boxes

"Okay then. I won't get mad at you for breaking my wish if you don't get mad at me for outdoing you," he smirked back

I groaned


"You go first," he commanded me

I huffed but I accepted because my anxiety was to high to fight. The first box held a neckless. It was so pretty. The second box held a dress that I had been combing myself not to buy because I would go broke if I did

"Devan! This is over 1,000$"

"So? Why can't I treat my baby every now and then?"

I continued to open the boxes and I got mad at him for it.

"Devan I can't believe we're not broke yet."

He laughed

"I know,"


"Devan I have one more," I confessed

He looked at me


"No, I promise you'll like this one," I smiled softly

I handed him the small box.

He studied me carefully as he opened it as if scared to

"If this blows up in my face,"

"Just open it," I said getting anxious

He lifted the lid to he box without breaking eye contact with me

Devan looked down into the box before snapping his head back up at me And then the box again and then back to me again a few more times.


I didn't reply

"Ember are you serious?"

I didn't reply because I was scared

"You're not pranking me right?"

I shook my head no

"Ember you're pregnant?!"

"Surprise," I made a small Jazz hands

"Oh my god," he leaned over and kissed me

When I pulled back he looked at me. His hands went to his hair and he ran his fingers through them

"Ember We're having a baby," he smiled a me

"Not we. I. You're just in the side lines for support. I have to do all the hard work," I joked

"I.. i can't believe this.. oh my god," his smile became wider than before.

His smile made me smile

"Ember I.. I can't believe this. This is like a dream come true," he leaned over and put his forehead against mine

"I'm so happy that's your happy about this," I whispered

"Why wouldn't I be?" He whispered back

"I dunno. I just thought you might get mad and leave me,"

"Oh Ember I could never," he pressed his lips to mine. "Is this why you've been so sick lately?"

I nodded

"Oh by the way," I said when we pulled away "there's a camera right there so all of YouTube will see your onesie," I pointed to the camera

"You know What? I don't even care," he smiled "I just found out that I'm having a baby with this wonderful person so I don't even care,"

I couldn't help but beam because he was so happy about it

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