The Nexus

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There was a knock at the door. A young male ran excitedly towards it, his red and black checkered hoodie flowing freely behind him. He stumbled a bit on his white sneaker laces from his red sneakers but didn't seem to care, he was way too exited. He fixed his light brown hair and took a deep breath before answering with a big smile.

"Mitch!" Yelled the fluffy creature standing at his doorway. His black suit shined in the afternoon sun and his red tie was full of emotion, like it told a story by just looking at it.

"Jerome!" Mitch yelled, his human form looking a little more friendly then the sharp-toothed Bac. "You ready to bash some skulls!?!"

"Heck ya!" Jerome shouted to the world. Jerome turned around and started off on the short journey to The Nexus, where they both earned a living. Mitch ran out, slamming the door behind him to catch up to his pal.

Around these parts, the two where known as two of the best fighters at there 'job'. Everyday, teens from all around Minecraftia would to battle against each other. In what was known as the Hunger Games. In the games you would fight on your own, or if you where lucky with a friend, to find food, kill other opponents, and get weapons to eventually win the Hunger Games in the death-match. When you die (or win) you re-spawn in the center of The Nexus. And repeat the cycle over and over again until your too old to compete.

What you get from wining the Hunger Games are called Nexites. Or a type of money. The more you win, the wealthier you are. As for Mitch and Jerome, they where stacked. Experts at the game, legends, Heroes for some. So naturally they enjoyed it. Which is why they go, exited, everyday. But, some people aren't as fortunate. The Noobs, people known for being bad at the game, where often homeless. They live on the street and are forced to do something they not only don't enjoy, but to do something everyday that they aren't skilled at.

When you die in the game it hurts. It feels like you have died and won't re-spawn. So if you brake an arm, it feels like you broke an arm. If you are stabbed in the eye, you feel it, sometimes it hurts even more.

But to Mitch and Jerome. It seemed like only one more day of happy killings and good luck. But man where they wrong.


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