The Light Through the Darkness

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Arron glanced over at the glowing digital clock beside his bed. It took a while for it to come into focus, his vision was blurred from crying. When his vision finally cleared, he saw that the clock read to be two forty-eight AM. He knew that he should get some rest, since he had been awake for about a week and a half now. His insomnia was eating him alive and there was nothing he could do about it.
He sat in his bed, knowing that the days for him to remain living, were numbered now. He had spent too many nights awake, crying, being angry at himself. He wasn't afraid of death anymore. In fact, it was something for a long time that he had even looked forward to.
After he thought for a while, he grabbed a notebook from his bedside table and planned in it. Writing the different ways to go, noting how he would do it. Around three twenty A his phone illuminated the room from the same small bedside table that the notebook had once sat on. A text message was visible on the screen. He grabbed it and slid the arrow across the screen, then opened his texts.
The text was from himarilyn mansons friend Andy. It read:
Hello, Arron. I just woke up and decided that I should check in you. And well, to see if you were doing okay. I figured you'd be awake too. I know you've been having sleeping troubles lately. So, are you okay?
Arron thought for a few moments on rather to lie to him or not. But, since this was his best friend, he decided to tell the truth.
A few minutes later his screen lit up again, only this time, the ringtone sounded also. He tried as hard as he could to compose himself before pressing the green button. "H-Hello..?" He said softly, holding back the tears. "Arron...Do you need me to come over? I will if you need me. I love you and you know that." Andy's voice was full of concern. "Y-You can..I-If you want.." Shit, he swore inwardly. He had been letting himself stutter. "I'm on my way. Don't do anything stupid." The phone went silent then hung up. "W-What am I going to do..?" He asked himself. Arron got up and opened the curtains, then the window letting the cold air and moonlight pour in and flood the room. Soon, he was pulling Andy up through the window. "Hey." He whispered, hugging Arron softly. "What's the matter?" Both kept their voice at low whispers because if Arron's parents found out he was there, they would kill the both of them. "Everything.." He sighed softly and the tears came again. "Tell me what happened." He stroked the younger's hair. "C-Carmen..she j-just.."he couldn't even finish his thought. He didn't know how to explain to his best and only friend that his girlfriend had been abusing him emotionally...and now...physically.
"I really don't know why you are still with her. You deserve so much better." Andy kissed his forehead and rubbed his back."I'm sorry, Arron...You're staying home today okay?" He sat down in the bed and Arron did the same."B-But...Carmen-" "I don't care about her, and if you were mature, you'd see, I'm sorry to say this but, Carmen doesn't care about you. But I do. So you're staying home. And I'm staying with you." Arron sighed and finally agreed, laying down again and putting his face into his pillow. Andy took off his boots and coat then laid down next to him."Everything will be okay. Just keep holding on. Keep breathing."He hugged him one last time before drifting to sleep. A short while after, Arron was finally asleep for the first time in a long time. Finally.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2014 ⏰

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