Chapter 2: New in Base

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Courier - 8:30 

The alarm on my smartphone started ringing. I woke up, dressed myself up and checked my equipment and everything in my beast-car. Everything was prepared for my trip to the Overwatch base. When I rolled up my sleeping bag and took my laptop the car, Daimon stopped me for a while.

Daimon: You are getting prepared, as I see.

Courier: Yeah, sort of. Just checking if everything is okay.

Daimon: Alright, since you're about to join Overwatch, I think you forgot about this. [Daimon shows Courier's Smartwatch]

Courier: My smartwatch?

Daimon: Well, I've fiddled with it a little, and unlocked some functions for you. Come on, wear it on your wrist.

[I've put the smartwatch on my wrist. And then I've heard it's voice] 

Smartwatch: Environmental Smartwatch Analytic Computer activated. ESAC systems operational. Welcome back, Peter.

Courier: Okay... what kind of functions did you managed to unlock?

Daimon: Well, just try switching the mode to Pulse Scan and tap it. You'll see what I mean.

Courier: [taps his smartwatch in Pulse Scan mode] Woah. Amazing. I can even see what's behind. 

Daimon: Cool, huh? Well. I didn't wanted to spoil you a suprise, but...

Courier: It's okay, bro. Alright, I must be off. I don't wanna be late.

Daimon: Huh, alright then. [they're fist bumping] Good luck.

Courier: You too, Daimon... you too.

[I've drove off Daimon's Garage, and headed to the Overwatch base in London.]

Daimon: So long, brother.

[I've arrived at the Overwatch base, it was outside the city limits, not far from outskirts but also nearby the forestal area. I couldn't believe how big it is and what it has. I remember Captain Sojourn was checking my delivery skills, and in exchange, she sent me that smartwatch. Now I have to show, what I can do outside the car. I've parked aside the gates of the base and I was awaiting for the Captain.]

Guard: Sorry, you can't park here, sir. This is an restricted area.

Courier: Well, I'm being recruited here.

Captain Sojourn: Let him in.

Guard: What? But Captain...

Captain Sojourn: I said: let him in! [she approached Courier's car] Sorry about that, I see you've decided to join Overwatch.

Courier: That's right.

Captain Sojourn: Alright, drive in.

[I've drove in to the base. And I was guided where I can park my car.]

Captain Sojourn: There's a car garage, on your left. Drive in there.

[I've stopped by the Huge Garage Doors, which they've opened. As I drove in, I couldn't believe how big it is. It was a bit like a car factory. I've stopped at the spot, where Captain told me to.]

Captain Sojourn: Alright... do you have any stuff in your car?

Courier: [opens the car trunk] Just a sleeping and tent bag. And two medkits, in my trunk.

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