Sugar Coated Lies

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Not every story has a happy ending.

The popular boy doesn't fall in love with the girl.
The cheerleader never looks at the boy.
The girl dies in the car crash.
The boy loses his memory.

As amazing as it may sound,
The boy and girl do not get together.
They do not get married and live in a cottage in the middle of a forest.

Books have an amazing way of making us believe in "happily ever after's".
Truth is, there isn't one
Because things like that do not happen.
Books were supposed to be realistic. That's probably why the Grim Brothers had unusual endings,
They weren't exactly happy ones,

Not until some wannabe came along and changed the story to rainbows and sunshine.
People in books are meant to die,
Just like how people in real life die; suddenly.
In books, the days are usually counting up. 5 months, 4, 3, 2, 1, KABOOM. In real life it's more or less kind of like that but more devastating.
Because you're always hoping.

Hope is a bitch.
You can "hope" they stay alive but they don't.
They die.
Just like in the books
But for some fucked up reason, people in this world think false hope is good because that means they have something to hold on to. It is not.

There are no miracles.
The girl with the tumor does not survive.
The boy whose best friend, the one he loved, is the cause of his death.
That is how stories are meant to end,
With a gut wrenching truth
And you can hate the author for it but they are right.

The boy does not rise from the dead, unless he is a zombie.

These books with the gut wrenching truth, sure... it's harsh but at least it is better than the sugar coated lies.
At least you know what happens... at least you don't have to hope for a miracle that never comes..

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