Chapter 1

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Hey guys! This is the first every chapter! Sorry if it sounds a little weird or anything, because I changed the writing style from 1st person to 3rd person halfway while writing the chapter. I figured I could probably capture more emotions writing from third person. Once again, feel free to give comments and vote if you like my story! Thanks for reading! Chapter 2 coming out in a few days, after I come back from my holiday trip :'D

Nicollet had eyes the colour of golden flames that blazed whenever she got excited, her auburn-brown hair fell in soft waves, her dimples flashed whenever she smiled wide enough (well at least wide enough to touch her eyes), had a cute habit of playing with the hems of her dress or shirt whenever she got nervous and tended to stutter whenever she felt the urge that she was being judged like a hawk. She goes to Brooklyn High School but her heart doesn’t belong there. Her corners of her mouth always seemed to be turned down whenever she was at school and her body was always tense. However, once she left school, it seemed as if a big weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Her eyes would light up to a shade of bright golden and there would always be this spring in her step when she walked. Nicollet was special, though she obviously didn’t know that. One couldn’t exactly blame her though, for she does go through tough time in school.

           As Nicollet pushed open the oak wooden doors of Brooklyn High, she kept her head down and focused her lingering on her reflection on the shiny white floor tiles below.  Her eyes lingered as she mentally traced outlines of it. Behind her, she could hear muffled voices of sniggering and whispering. Though muffled,  she could hear each word clearly, as loud as a bell.

“Oh look, what a loser!” someone around spat.

“She’s an untrustworthy bitch!”

“She’s such a selfish brat!”

Nicollet felt her muscles tense as a wave of shame and hopeless washed over her entire body. She  shuddered as she tried to blink away the tears that were starting to make her  vision go blur. However, before she could continue trudging down the hallway, she felt the familiarity of hot tears streak down her face. Nicollet tried to ignore the pleas of her emotions but to no avail.

“This always happens anyway. Not that I should care.No matter how many times I reassure myself, the tiny voice in my head would always shriek at me, in its usual high pitch nagging of, “Oh you deserve it, you worthless creature!” anyway,” Nicollet muttered under her breath as she clenched and unclenched her fists whilst trying to control her anger.

Nicollet used to be popular and used to have friends. Just a month ago, she had a best friend. Her name was Laura. They had been friends since they entered 3rd grade and Nicollet trusted her. She told everything to to Laura; all of her secrets, crushes and insecurities. Laura was the only one who knew her thoughts. Then, just about a month ago, Nicollet found that Laura had been telling everything to this popular girl in school, Abby. It was no wonder Nicollet felt gazes burning the back of her neck whenever she turned around. She would often hear harsh whispers float down the hallway whenever she walked past people. Of course, upon hearing from others that Laura was actually the one spreading all these gossip, Nicollet’s heart snapped into two. Billions of thoughts would bombard her mind about Laura.

“I mean, I know I am not exactly the best choice, but she should have at least talked to me instead of going around telling everyone about my secrets” Nicollet would often croon to herself.

Laura was actually a very nice girl. She was bubbly, would talk to everyone and had something about her that could made everyone feel welcomed. However, that was all “wolf in sheep’s clothing” for she told more and more lies about Nicollet. Sometimes, Nicollet would find herself being questioned as to why she had ten boyfriends, when she actually had none at all. Despite the rumors that were being spread like wildfire, Nicollet decided to ignore them, for she thought that maybe it was just a rumour, or a mistake, for her best friend couldn’t possibly have betrayed her. Or so she thought.

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