My Wattpad Love One Shot: Our Love Goes On

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Perfect. What an absolutely perfect day it was. The breeze was blowing calmly, the pool water was completely clear, and my favourite beach chair - the one with the cute little purple monkeys on it - hadn't been stolen by Shane.

I leant back into the squishy chair and sighed, "Ahhh."


"Shut up! Don't copy me!"

Shane, who was laying out on the dull, much-less-sexier-than-mine beach chair, laughed loudly at his own stupid behavior.

"Do you really have to imitate me like a 5 year old?"

"Mmm yes, yes I do," he replied, grinning like an idiot.

Woah. Five years from the day I first talked to Shane, and he's still an arrogant, annoying, cocky jerk. Am I surprised? No. I always knew he was going to remain the annoying butt-head he always was.  

But still, I hang out with him. Am I crazy? Probably.

"I love you buddy. Fistpump?"

"Fistpump," He replied holding out his fist. "Psssscchhhtttt!"

"Do you really have to make those annoying sounds every time we fistpump?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yep. It's the law."

"Sure it is." I nodded and shuffled around in my amazing, monkey-covered chair.

Now, back to what I was saying. What was it again? Oh yeah - what a perfect day it was. The sun was slowly setting over the still pool water, and I was ready to watch a beautiful sunset. The sunsets at Evan's house were always beautiful. I was so lucky to live here, in Evan's mansion-type house. I was also lucky to have Evan; he was an amazing boyfriend.

I closed my eyes and thought about many years before, and the first time I spoke to Evan on Wattpad. Who knew the guy who once insulted me was now my boyfriend? My mind trailed off to darker things, like usual. I slowly began to drift off to the image of Evans topless body standing over me his lips connecting with mine...

My peaceful moment was ruined when darkness suddenly covered my eyes. "Woah! I'm blind! Shane-"

"Calm down Mrs strawberry. It's me."

Evan. His seductive voice sent delicate shivers down my spine.

"Evan." I whispered. Even after so many years, he still had a huge effect on me, his sexiness almost making me faint on a daily basis.

His arms slowly wrapped around my neck. "Come inside. I need to talk to you."

"Aw. Can we talk later? Me and Shane were going to watch the sunset." I pouted, attempting to look cute, but I probably looked like an idiot.

"Hmm, okay then," Evan began to unwrap his arms around me, but before he left, he whispered, "But if you want to come, I have wine, and a bag of Ruffles waiting for you in my room..." I just knew he was smirking while he was saying this. He knew I had a weakness for Ruffles.

"Ruffles? Evan, I love you." I immediately got up and jumped to Evan's side.

"Evan, I love you." Shane mimicked. I gave him a shut-your-mouth look and he poked his tongue out at me. He was jealous of me and Evans relationship. No doubt about it. He always denied it, but I know it's true. I can tell by the look in his eyes...

"Come." Evan murmured and pulled me towards the house. He softly grasped my arm, making my insides turn to mush. I felt like I was going to literally melt into a messy pile on the floor.

We reached the house, then climbed the stairs into his black-themed room. I instantly grabbed the delicious-looking Ruffles off his bedside table and started munching on them. Evan looked at me, raising an eyebrow. I think he expected me to share the Ruffles.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2012 ⏰

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