12. The End of Everything

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Jason sat in his apartment, a half empty bottle of whiskey and enough firepower to level a city. All on a little table near his couch. But tonight is not about taking down Gotham. It's about getting the Joker out and punishing him for what he has done. A night where maybe Jason can kill both Joker and a few other crazies that have done wrong to others. Joker must know that Harley was going to break him out. His false hope will make him drop his guard. Jason contemplated on whether or not he can kill Bruce. He took him in when he had nowhere to go, trained him, saved his life. But he let the clown live. After he killed him, crippled Barbara and countless other acts. Jason loaded his 9mm handguns and sharpened his knife. He had packed a bag filled with tape, pliers, a blowtorch, smaller knives and a crowbar. He put on his suit and his brown leather jacket. The final touch was the helmet. No turning back now. Next stop: Arkham Asylum.

Arkham Asylum

The Red Hood arrived at Arkham Asylum, many people never knew this but there was a secret Batcave Bruce installed for hostile takeover. That had a retinal scan. Hood climbed down to where the water was surrounding the asylum. He had found what would seem like a dead end cave. Hood took off his helmet, placing his eye near the rocks.

"Identity confirmed. Welcome Robin." Hood smiled as he put his helmet back on. It was the first time Hood had been inside a Batcave. The memories flooded his head, he searched the Batcave's crates that were by the Batcomputer. Inside was a grapple gun, a few batarangs and a prototype suit. All black, red symbol. Not like Hood's, the wings were more straight up. Hood focused and went back to the matter at hand. He was in the asylum, no security check or anything. The grapple gun came in handy as he made his way back to the surface.and also when he made it to Intensive Treatment. The top of that building had a hole in the roof big enough for Hood to sneak in. He snuck in and was far enough to hear Professor Pyg's annoying voice. As planned Pyg was right by cell 168.

"Pyg imperfect. Pyg imperfect, Pyg im-" Pyg exploded from the inside of his body. Causing the door to burst and breaking the security connection to Joker's and a few other supervillain cells. Hood had made Pyg into a body bomb when he encountered Batman for the first time. As Hood walked down the hall he shot many patients that were running free in the head. The flames engulfed the hallway before the sprinklers started. Hood kicked down the door to Joker's cell, fire catching on his jacket.

"Harley, am I glad to se-" Joker looked over at the man he saw pictures of , "stealing his act" .

"Not who you were expecting huh?"

"Look at you, Mr. Hood or do you prefer Red?"

"It took a lot of work to bring our reunion."

"Reunion? Have we met before?"

"Yes...We have." Jason punched Joker in the face with a straight right hand that knocked him out. As the inmates came to save their boss, Red Hood gunned every single one down. Murderers, rapists, mental nutcases of all kinds. While taking Joker out he saw the cells of the people that were let out: Scarecrow, Freeze, Ivy, Bane. And the ones that were consumed by the fire: Zsasz, Hatter, Pyg. Hood had found an unattended car and threw Joker in the trunk. Commissioner Gordon found Hood, pointing his gun at him.

"Freeze! I don't know who you are, but you're not leaving with him!" Hood put his hands up as he finished shoving Joker in the trunk.

"Take it easy Jim, you want me to do this. You have to let me."

"Yeah, why's that."

"I'm doing it for your daughter Jim. I'm taking this scumbag towards Crime Alley, I'm gonna kill him."

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