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        Red is a macabre-styled glove on her quivering hands, adding emphasis to their constant tremor and sending deep red — almost black — trails down her porcelain arms.


        Red is a symbol of her raw emotion, her terror that had shown itself as a scream as the monster’s claws tore at her collar bones and cheeks.


        Red is the color of the thick fluid on her fumbling digits, dripping off with each swift movement and leaving small blemishes on the wooden floor.


        Red is the slick, sickening barrier on her flashlight causing her stomach to twist in disgust as her thumb slips vainly over the white switch that would grant her not only sight, but hope.


        Red encourages the beast that terrorizes her, the monster that had only been a man moments ago.


        That magnificent shade of crimson cries out — calls to — the werewolf.


Song on the Side: 'Wolves' by Ben Howard

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