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When I found him, he was sitting alone murmuring something.
"Hi" I said quietly
"Hi" he said uninterested
"Okay. What is wrong now?" I asked annoyed
I didn't know why I was pushing it. I didn't come here to argue. But I am too stubborn to let it slide
"What do you mean what's wrong? Everything about us is wrong." He said angrily and I took a step back
"What?" I barely said
He looked at me. No one said anything. It was getting heated and I could definitely say I had a bad feeling about this conversation

"You know" he started
"All this time I'm chasing something that is not what I thought it would be. At first I had these thoughts about you not being serious about my feelings." He continued
"That is not true" I tried to say
"Let me finish." He shouted
I backed off a bit. He has never been so aggressive with me. I wasn't scared and even if I was, I was too selfish to show it. But still, When he realized he widened his eyes. He bit his lip and opened his mouth

"I wasn't feeling sure about us after that thing with Rio but then you said you loved me. And I fucking believed that. I believed that you loved me and then i see you with Rio all day. I can't do that anymore" he finished
I didn't know how to react. I mean I won't cry about it. But it hurt.
"If that is what you want" I said and walked away
"Just know I love you" I said so quiet that he wasn't able to hear.
I wasn't sad. I wasn't happy. I was mad. How could he do this to me? I was ready to let myself fall again, and he reminded me why I haven't done that in a while. I thought he was different but right now I'm going through a roller coaster of emotions.

I was not going to show him that it got to me. I did the first thing that came to my mind. Went to the hostages to let my anger out.
And of course everyone was sleeping. My day can't get any worse. Well someone would have to wake them. But before that I wanted to do something else.

I went down stairs to see how things are going. I found Nairobi and she told me that we already made 52 thousand. That's good. The only good news Im going to get today.
"What is wrong" Nairobi asked
"Nothing" I replied and left.
I'm sure she suspected something is up. After all she knows me better than anyone.

I needed to get my mind off Denver. So I did the worst thing I could do. I searched the whole mint and actually found two bottles of vodka in someone's office. Not even half an hour later I was finishing the second bottle. And everyone knows that me and alcohol should never be together. I always do the stupidest things like right now I'm kissing Rio.

Wait a damn minute, I'm kissing Rio. What is wrong with me. But for some reason the alcohol didn't let me stop. I didn't want to do it but I couldn't stop either. And here comes the bomb. I knew Denver was right next to us.


I just finished my second bottle of vodka
"I thought he was different!" I screamed frustrated
"How could he do this to me?" I continued
I was so angry and bored. What can I do? Maybe talk to rio? Yeah he always knows what to do after all he is the smart one. I searched for him in the whole mint, and where did I find him? Right next to the person that brought me to this position, Denver.
"Boston" Rio said with a smile and then looked at Denver like he knew what happened earlier. I'm sure Denver told him how he dumped me.
I went closer without looking at the man who broke my heart just hours ago
"Oh my god you smell like alcohol" Rio said laughing.
I didn't know how to act in front of Denver. Should I be mad? Should I show him what he lost? Yeah that's it. But how? My head started hurting from thinking and now both of them were looking at me like I was crazy. Then I thought "fuck it" and I kissed Rio. He was trying to get me off of him so bad but I wouldn't let him. I opened my eyes and looked at Denver. He wasn't even looking. I don't know if it was because it was an awkward situation for him or because he didn't give a damn and that really annoyed me.


I finally pulled away. I looked at Rio.
"I'm sorry Rio I don't know why I-" and then I passed out.

And that's the end❤️
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