I'll Always Help you Out - Oneshot

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Marcus was watching him. And worse, he knew it. It was obvious, really. Everyone knew how Marcus felt about Ben, but it was still a mystery as to if Ben reciprocated those feelings. He was a bit... hard to figure out that way. But then again, he’d always been that way.

Sipping at the beer in his hand, Marcus decides to the step outside for some air. He takes the very last swig before throwing down a couple quid and stepping out onto the dark street. The cool night air is harsh on his lungs as he lights up a fag, having a few drags and pulling his peacoat closer to his body in order to steal away from the unforgiving breeze. 

There’s a voice behind him, distant but easily recognizable. It’s Benji’s. Smooth, buttery, soft-spoken. He comes outside, a hand touching Marcus’ shoulder. “Hey, mate,” he says with a silly grin. It’s reciprocated as Marcus hands over his fag to Ben, offering him a drag or two. 

With a quiet, murmured “mm, thanks”, Benji’s taking the smoke to enjoy it a bit, eyes out on a few of the trees that are sprouting up from their designated spots in between the sidewalk. A sad excuse to keep nature in the city, really. It looked terrible. Trees should be growing freely wherever they want, able to sprout and grow tall without the worry of being trimmed for the sake of the power lines.

Releasing a soft sigh, Benji hands Marcus back the fag he’d borrowed. Their hands brush in the process and it leaves Marcus with a warmth flourishing within his belly, all the way to his chest and higher. 

“Winnie was dancing on the bloody bar when I walked outside,” Benji finally says, laughing a bit and breaking the silence that had befallen them. His words leave Marcus chuckling and merely shaking his head. “He’s terrible. Can’t take him anywhere. Hell, we can’t even leave him home for fear of what he might do. What a git.”

Marcus is only teasing, half-kidding in a way, casting a glance towards the door of the little pub they now stood outside of. He doesn’t even notice the bloke running straight for them. He’s swearing a navy blue hoodie, dark trousers, and trainers. It’s obvious that he’s a sorry excuse for a thief, a pickpocket, somebody who loves nicking things from unsuspecting old ladies and mothers with strollers. The kind of idiot who thinks he’s cool enough to pull it off every time.

He probably figures Marcus and Ben are completely drunk and unsuspecting, and not to mention easy pickings. Sighing, Marcus says, “Lemme go corral Winston and Ted out here. We should be getting home. It’ll be closing time soon. Be right back.” 

Coming over quietly, the kid pushes Ben towards the brick of the building. Glancing frantically towards the closing door, he thinks about calling for Marcus. He’d hear. Of course he would. He’s about to. That is, until he feels something sharp and steel pressing to his neck a bit. “Just give me your money, okay? No one needs to get hurt. Gimme your wallet. And that watch you’ve got on, too.”

At first Ben complies with the demands, pulling his wallet from his trouser pocket to hand it over. But then, by some insane thought, he stops. Why should he give in like that? It’s ridiculous. Someone should stop the prick. It kills Ben to think that people like this think they’re slick. That they can get away with anything. 

He pushes his palm into the kid’s chin, sending his head flying backwards. He probably bites his tongue in the process. Oh well, Ben thinks. He deserves it. Putting up two fists, Ben makes his way over to the punk. The door opens then, Marcus’ voice coming through all the ruckus that’s currently happening. “Hey, Ben. Winnie’s in the loo. Guess he got sic—” His sentence is cut short when he finally notices the scene before him. And Marcus is too stunned to even say anything at first. 

The punk pulls a face, kicking a heavy crate in Marcus’ direction to knock him over. Admittedly, Marc’s been drinking all night and his reflexes aren’t what they should be. He goes tumbling over and a scruffle begins to occur between Benji and the kid. 

I'll Always Help You Out // A Mumford & Sons FanficWhere stories live. Discover now