Chapter 1 - Pride and Prejudice

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Pride and Prejudice

This is dedicated to everyone who took their time to check out my story! Thank you guys! And lots of love 🥰🥰!

The eastern gardens of the palace are a sight to behold. Blooming flowers of diverse varieties filled the garden with sights and scents that could rival the gardens of Versailles.

Blooms of roses and tulips of all colors, marigolds, and peonies, were among the widely diverse variety. Rare flowers, such as the Rothschilds Slipper Orchid, the Juliet Rose, and Middlemist Red, also made up the otherworldly assortment.

One inhale and you'd be assaulted by the various scents coming from all directions.

Large fountains were scattered around the eastern gardens. With a small, marble bridge that lay across the stream, which flowed to the lake at the south of the palace, and led to a hidden gazebo with birds singing their songs. An Eden of its own.

It was beautiful. A sight to behold. A paradise.

The gazebo, surrounded by a small pond of water, served as the perfect hiding place from prying eyes and nosy royals. Large wisteria trees hid the gazebo from view and provided additional privacy for couples, and readers such as myself, which looked phenomenal when it bloomed.

It was also one of the few places that had no hidden cameras or microphones. Ordered by the late queen who wanted the gardens to be a private place - her own zone where she could find peace.

Only one camera was allowed at least, hidden by a pillar, at the main entrance to the gardens. The sprinklers and lights were fully automated, set to go off at specific times - the only modern machinery allowed on the grounds.

It served the perfect hiding place for me when I needed to clear my head and escape the stifling atmosphere that came with being surrounded by pompous fools.

The gardens were a no-go zone for those who weren't part of the immediate royal family, decreed by the late Queen Rosaveta. Not even other royals could enter unless invited.

I leaned further into the tree, an open book splayed over my lap. The pages were worn, but the words and print were still clear. It was old, one of the first published copies of the book. It seemed my ancestor had an interest in literature, more so than others might have.

"Lillianna!" Surprised, I slam the book shut, wary of the voice and the book crinkling under the force. Stifling the urge to peek, I looked up and waited for the thunder of footsteps I knew would be nearing me. My brother, Prince Killian I, approached and leaned on the tree.

"I see you haven't learned the art of stealth yet, brother dear." I teased, turning my attention towards the horizon.

"You wound me sister dear. Are you saying that I stomp around like some giant with no sense of being stealthy?" He exclaimed, mockingly hurt.

"If the shoe fits, although elephants are also giants and are far more silent and stealthy than you are. Unless of course they blow their trunks." I shot back, grinning. The book now fully ignored.

He laughed then, a full-belly one that I'd always secretly envied. He was a male, and so could laugh with no care. I was unfortunately, a female and a royal which made people expect me to release dainty chuckles now and again - probably expecting a bird's chirp if that was possible.

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