Cheated out of Mortality (Chapter Six)

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Chapter Six

"Are you sure about this?" Fez asked me.

"Of course I am," I whispered, an evil grin on my face.

It was the day after I had hung out with Sasha and the others.  Right now, I was hiding at the top of the staircase.  Samantha was in the living room on the couch, reading a magazine.

If I wasn't trying to hide, I would laugh evilly.  Oh Samantha.  If only you had believed in ghosts.  This ought to make you believe.

I made a hand sign to tell Fez to go.  I crept down the stairs and saw my sister, still relaxing on the couch.  I looked towards the back of the living room and spotted the vacuum.  Hehe....

Fez flew over to the vacuum, grasping the handle.  He looked at me.  "You are so immature," he told me, but I just continued to grin.

"Go." I mouthed.

Fez rolled his eyes and pushed the vacuum over to where Samantha was laying.  At first, she didn't notice it.  Fez pushed it into the couch, which made her look up when she felt the bump.  At first she looked annoyed, but then she realized that no one was there.  Now she looked puzzled.

"Mom, did you move the vacuum?"  She called out.

"No, why?"  My Mom answered from the kitchen.

"No reason."  Samantha continued to stare at the vacuum.  Then she got up and went to sit on the chair.  Fez and the vacuum followed her.  When she turned around and saw it, her eyes widened and she looked a little nervous.  Then she looked at her feet and hands.  I don't know why, maybe she was seeing if there were any strings attached to her.  If that was the case, she found none.

"I'm going upstairs!"  She yelled at no one in particular.  When she started walking towards the stairs with the vacuum still following her, she noticed me standing there.

"What are you doing?"  She questioned me.

"Nothing," I answered innocently.

She turned around and saw the vacuum right behind her.  "What did you do?" She turned to look back at me.

"Me?  I didn't do anything?"  My expression was a confused one, but it was just a mask.

"What's wrong with the vacuum then?"  She pointed at the thing that was now bumping into her legs.

"I don't know, maybe it likes you."

"It doesn't have feelings."

That sure made the vacuum mad.  It hovered in the air and hit my sister on the head with it's handle.

"Ouch!"  Samantha turned around to see it still hovering.

Fez started poking her with the vacuum.

"Stop it!"  Samantha yelled at it, trying to push it away.  It wouldn't budge.

"Samantha's yelling at the vacuum!"  I informed my Mom.

"Shut up!" Samantha was mad now.

"Well you are!"

Samantha slipped away and ran into the living room.  Fez chased her as she darted around the room.

I burst out laughing.

"That's not very nice!" The voice in my head scolded me.

I jumped.  'Oh come on voice, have some fun now and then.'  I suggested.

"I'll have fun without making people mad."

'Suit yourself.'

Samantha started screaming, waving her arms around as if that would do something.

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